
This right here is my brother, Big Cass and he's 12 pounds, 8 ounces, and you can't…teach…that.

Freeform joins SyFy and Alphabet on the list of "official names" that I have no intention of using. They are still the Family Channel, the Sci-fi Channel and Google, respectively.

Speedsters with technology and performance-enhancing drugs get an asterisk.

It seems a little silly to complain about the CGI in Matrix Reloaded. So what if the graphics look unnatural and obviously computer generated? Within the context of the story, they actually were computer generated images.

I had a seat in the second row right behind the table from the Shane/Undertaker spot, but I showed up late and missed it.

Not just the DMV. The hellish mirror image of the DMV.

Paramedic shows seem unrealistic to you because they focus on rare, exciting events rather then showing the more boring reality of the job. Sadly, that's true of basically every other profession on television as well.

It's really not all that implausible. Kevin James was actually pretty good looking when he was younger and thinner. And any guy who is charming enough to be a successful comedian often does well with women even before they're rich and famous.

It's sketch comedy. I don't think anyone is worried about spoilers here.

Arnold is the only character with any sense at all. He's trying to save humanity. The idea that Scotty would allow himself to be distracted by family issues is completely insane. His whole family is going to be dead in a few days anyway. No matter how much they whine, there is nothing that he can really do for them.

I love Arrested Development. I hate The Simpsons though (even the universally beloved years). Everyone has their little pop culture heresies. No judgment, man.

It's on Hulu, but it's listed as Bess of Both Worlds. I liked it.

The early seasons of Parks and Recreation were pretty balanced between Ron and Lesley. Once Lesley started her campaign for city council, Ron just meekly fell in line and the show shifted hard to the left.

Michelle, Michelle: A Young Girl's Strange Erotic Journey from San Francisco to New York

Travelling through time to create duplicates of yourself for a self-threesome is about as far as you can get from self-hating.

Hiring an actually disabled actor seems like a risky move for an open-ended tv show. What if you want to do a dream sequence where he can walk or a flashback to a time before he was paralyzed or a storyline where he's miraculously cured? When you're writing and casting a show at the pilot stage, you have no idea what

My favorite part of that single leg crab hold was the announcer saying that Brie was putting "all of her weight" into it. It's Brie Bella. She weighs about 100 lbs. That's really not the best line to sell that move.

If so, Jamie would be a pretty obvious candidate for Famine. That man seriously needs to eat.

I don't know. Limiting yourselves to anal seems like a rather extreme form of birth control.

Consider yourself lucky then. I've been told that I look like Paul Dano. It's not a compliment.