
It's not just Monk. Light-hearted murder/comedy is a surprisingly common genre. It doesn't particularly bother me, but I find it very weird that combining murder and comedy isn't more widely regarded as being very weird.

Arnold goes undercover as a kindergarten cop only to discover that the class is full of badly disguised aging action stars from other government agencies and criminal organizations trying to pass as five year olds.

Does the episode where, shortly after giving birth, Rachel mistakenly thinks that Ross and Joey have both proposed to her count as a proposal episode? That's the first one I thought of. It's way better than the Phoebe/Mike and the Chandler/Monica proposal episodes. I suppose there is a good argument that it's not

I thought Daniel Bryan was a lil' one?

So Zoom is going to give his speed away trying to cure malaria and improve education?

If he ended up with Lydia at the end, it's probably for the best that Edge wasn't around for the first half of the game. That would be awkward.

Ah, I knew Woody was from Indiana. I remember the hook for introducing Woody was that he had some connection to Coach. I was thinking they were both from the same town. They were just pen pals. Never mind, I guess Coach may have been from Boston.

I'm prettty sure Coach was from Indiana.

Less attractive people can find work as actors, but generally not as leading TV stars.

I really hate it when people object to complaints about how actors and actresses look or how they've aged. Looking good is a big part of the job. Overall, being a TV star is a pretty cushy life and having to accept criticism of their appearance is a small price to pay.

And he instinctively knew how to speak English, but only with a New Zealand accent.

They should save their money. A low budget dragon would be funnier.

People thought that would be too dark? That's an awfully strange place to draw the line considering everything else Sunny has done.

Changing the word "dick" to something else is no way to create a porn name.

He's fantastic on commentary. It just seems insane to take a guy that big and put him in a position where his size plays absolutely no role.

The problem with Seth Rollins being weak and unable to win a match without interference was that it undermined the logic of the Authority selecting him as their champion. His chickenshit heel run could have worked if there was some other reason for the Authority to support him. If he had family connections or if he

And Courtney Cox did it perfectly on Cougar Town.

That's true here too, but it's still weird to see it shown openly on network television.

I think that approach would even make the crossover opportunities better. Rip Hunter would make everyone on the team promise not to go back to their old lives or interact with anyone they knew to avoid disrupting the timeline, but the show would break that rule when the characters were in a really desperate situation.

They should never have done the whole resurrection storyline for Sarah. It would have made a lot more sense if they just let her stay dead on Arrow, but then Rip pulled her out of the timeline right before she died. Then they could have done the same thing with Ray and Firestorm.