
His character is well-meaning but inept. The real Nathan is aware that he isn't helping these people.

I had a similar situation. I was trying to explain to a girl why I had broken up with my girlfriend. She gave me an "I know" thinking I was coming out. She was wrong. I'm straight.

Considering Arthur (1) was an experienced jouster and (2) had never seen a motor vehicle before, maybe switching places behind the wheel wasn't such a great plan?

Raven: That's So Unauthorized

What's Going to Happen?

Why would they announce that Sasha is leaving NXT? We all know that Bayley is going to win, but they could at least pretend that there is a chance that Sasha will take the NXT title.

Guess we need to stop making fun of Trump's hair then, since that joke has been around since the 80's.

Breast implants are made from silicone. Silicone and silicon are not the same thing.

Carson Daly has held onto that 1:30 slot for an impressively long time. Not sure he's the best role model in late night though.

It always bugged me that Jonas Quinn is a far worse name for an alien than Corin Nemec.

I was there! Sort of. I had a seat about 20 feet from the ring, but I got stuck on a conference call for work. By the time I finally got there, I missed everything other than Undertaker/Lesnar and the last two minutes of Cesaro/Owens.

I had a ridiculously good ticket for SummerSlam. It was in the first row of permanent seats right behind the folding chairs at ringside. It was about 20 feet from the ring. Then I got stuck on a conference call for work. By the time I finally got to the Barclays Center, I missed everything other than Lesnar/Undertaker

Thin isn't the default definition of attractiveness. It's the accurate definition of attractiveness.

Almost as bad as Bill Goldberg.

The runner-up slot for B was wasted on Lester Burnham, especially given that American Beauty is already represented on the list. I would have given it to Al Bundy.

I always preferred "poor Heisenberg knew exactly how fast his car keys were moving."

Troy and Abed did reenact the Kickpuncher sex scene. They weren't terribly happy about it, but they did it.

Hotwives of Orlando wasn't terrible, but it was basically the same concept as Burning Love and clearly inferior to Burning Love.

Those of us on the right need to have a pretty high tolerance for pop culture that we disagree with if we're going to enjoy pop culture at all. It's pretty rare for a show to be so relentlessly left-wing that it ruins a show for me. Parks & Rec, however, managed to cross that line. Starting with the election arc, it

It's easier for the audience (as well as the writers and other actors) to accept jokes at the chacarcter's expense if you have a pretty actress dressed up to look less attractive than if the show is making fun of the way the actress actually looks.