
A kid that age definitely wouldn't be allowed into a casino today. At a lower tier casino in Atlantic City in the 80s, it's not unrealistic.

It may not be completely crazy for someone to buy those things if they're rich enough to afford it. The problem is that Nic Cage wasn't actually rich enough to afford it.

I don't have a problem with the way Edea is dressed, but there are some very odd choices with the camera angle in the fights with Edea. When she casts a spell, oftentimes the camera will zoom in for an extreme close-up of her cleavage from above. It looks like the cameraman is diving in for a motorboat. It's a little

I love the fact that Harper's signature move is a clothesline and yet he looks like his clothes haven't been washed in months.

Dark-frame monocle?

I'm not saying it's completely absurd to be offended. I'm saying (1) most people massively underestimate how easily offended they are and (2) based on this comment thread I believe that you're more easily offended than the average American adult.

Most people think that they're not easily offended, and most of those people are wrong. The fat girls tweet is pretty mild.

I totally agree. Everyone is judging Phil by what would be considered reasonable standards of behavior in the real world. But he's a guy who watched all of human civilization die. He spent years thinking he was the last living person and his only friends were a mannequin and a bunch of balls with faces drawn on them.

I actually think the WWE was more savvy about Triple H's character than most people give them credit for. Every time he stepped into the ring, he was announced as coming from Greenwich, CT. Even decades after he stopped doing the Connecticut blue-blood character when he was doing the DX character or the COO character,

As I recall, she skipped over "acquaintance" and went straight to "acquaintanceship."

WWE needs to find some way of keeping her around. She was fantastic.

Absolutely the best background gag in the video. Perfectly executed.

I think they're going to address the lack of animal life at some point. There have been a few lines suggesting all animal life has died out. Carol said she was a hardcore cat person, but she doesn't have any cats. I think someone said that they would never have fresh meat again. Also, in all of Phil's desperate

She also ignored taxes and inflation.

He's almost 70 years old, and he's doing great. Even without millions of dollars at stake, it's clearly a risk worth taking.

Not really. Assistant scientists are still scientists.

You had any respect left to lose after they cancelled Arli$$?

Also, mariachis are not copyrighted characters. So why did they get their refunds?

Wow, this is an awfully unfortunate post to have right below the John Ritter discussion above. I didn't realize we were back on Matthew Lillard.

Did you grow up in the suburbs? Teens hanging out in front of a convenience store is pretty common.