
What are the odds that the studio had any clothes lying around in wardrobe that would fit him?

It probably shouldn't be highlighted every week, but it should definitely be highlighted this week. Even people who aren't otherwise interested in the show may be interested in the Jon Stewart angle.

Technically, there is one other option, but it's not really an improvement.

There are other characters who famously came back from the dead, but it's pretty rare for a character to be famous for coming back from the dead and absolutely nothing else.

I think Justin Hartley's Aquaman pilot destroyed any future he may have had at the CW. It was really awful.

It's really unsettling how much she reminds me of my own high school girlfriend.

Right, I meant de-grittifying fairy tales. Also de-grittifying reality in some movies (like Pocahontas).

That's been Disney's business model for decades.

I clicked thinking (1) that the woman in the picture was Ellie Kemper and (2) that this was an all-female remake like Ghostbusters. I was disappointed on both counts.

The problem is that most of the voters don't really judge the comedy nominees as comedies because they have no respect for comedy. They judge them by the same standards as dramas. They vote for the comedy nominee that they think is the best overall show, which winds up being the best drama that manages to get included

It was even worse in the first season.

It's a shame Rachel Dratch probably won't read this comment thread.

It was someone with a brief video of Stephen Hawking and a speech synthesizer. It could have been anyone.

*looks upward and shakes fist* "Regulation 47-B!!!!!"

One of the former Real Housewives of New Jersey lives in the apartment across the hall from me. She's actually very nice in real life.

The scene with Holt describing his auto-correct scheme was played over the closing credits. If they had credited Eva Longoria as playing "Sophia Butt" and Kyra Sedgwick as playing "Deputy Chief Butt" the episode would have been easy A. Such a tragically missed opportunity.

Being successfully professionally is the only standard that really matters in life.

Frasier was self-important, but he wasn't stumbling. He was pretty successful. You're allowed to be self-important when you're successful. The problem with the characters on Girls is that they're both self-important and complete failures.

Original Rose was fantastic. The replacement was less good.

Wasn't JAG originally a flop on NBC before CBS picked it up? Then it spawned the whole NCIS empire.