
Anyone who doubts that the comedies NBC rejects could be worse than the comedies they actually air should remember that NBC pulled the plug on Mulaney.

My favorite Curtis Armstrong role was a guest spot on Crossing Jordan.

I liked Ron in the early seasons. It was obvious that the writers were on Leslie's side, but they still basically treated him with respect. People who liked libertarianism liked Ron, and people who don't like libertarianism generally didn't like him. That suggests that he was pretty accurate.

The Good Guys finally came out on DVD recently. It's one of those print-on-demand DVDs through Amazon with no special features. It does, however, seem to have all of the original music.

It's tough to say whether most security experts think North Korea was responsible. The ones who disagree with the FBI are much more likely to get quoted. No one in the media is looking for experts to say that North Korea is responsible. They can just take quotes supporting that position from the FBI.

If the GOP has anyone who can speak English well enough to get by unnoticed in America, they should be using that person to proofread their emails, not launch terrorist attacks.

Fair point. The ruthless negotiators at Sony could never be bullied into caving on such an important issue.

But Grey Davis fails to hold the title for the full year.

Being of average weight for an American in 2014 and being a fat load are not mutually exclusive.

Somehow, Beverly D'Angelo still looks like Beverly D'Angelo in the Vacation movies.

She's a devout Scientologist.

As a former federal judge or a current judge? Former judges can make a good living in private practice. It's hard for a sitting judge to make much though. In any event, you don't get to live like the Banks household on $500/hour billing rate. That's actually not that high for a lawyer (it's lower than mine anyway).

Wow, that sounds awfully shady. He was a poor struggling lawyer who became incredibly wealthy incredibly quickly as a judge?

That was John Voight, the dentist. Common mistake.

One of the actors on the Goldbergs is actually named "Gentile"?!? How the hell did that happen?

And all of the books are flat rectangles.

Yes, he certainly was the villain of the piece.

Isn't that basically the Mulaney fact pattern? Even though no one outside the network had seen it, everyone assumed they were crazy for dumping a show that looked pretty good on paper and hoped that some other network would pick it.

I hear the main character is delightful, energetic and full of spunk.

It would have been a passable impression if he just slowed it down. Talking slowly and deliberately is the easiest part of a Morgan Freeman impression. I don't know you mess that up.