
If they made some effort to keep the chronology sensible, they would inevitably make some mistakes and those mistakes would really annoy me. Given that they're completely up front about the fact that they make no effort to keep the chronology consistent, it's never bothered me.

That's going to be an awfully limiting structure for some letters. I'm guessing someone suffers a broken bone in episode 23 or 24.

No, different episode.

In the scene where Peralta and Santiago are talking about Joe Uterus, just as Peralta is listing the perp name hall of fame members, the credit "Producer: Norm Hiscock" pops up. I choose to believe that's part of the joke and not a real person.

Or Sue watched the Disney movie so many times in the Heck household that he eventually absorbed it.

Supernatural is basically the same thing (largely a two-person cast and very few standing sets) and they manage to do it on a CW budget. Budgets for the major networks are ridiculously bloated.

In terms of screentime, the final season was a wedding that lasted about 10 hours followed by a marriage that lasted about 10 minutes. You can't spend that much time building up the Barney and Robin marriage and then end it that quickly.

Taylor Kitsch's short hair is the worst hair-related career move since Keri Russell in Felicity.

Money facilitates speech. A restriction on spending money to speak is also a restriction on speech. No one opposed to campaign finance regulations ever said that money is speech or that giving money is a protected expressive act. That's not the argument at all.

345 comments so far and I've seen only one attempt to actually argue that Ted Cruz is wrong (and it was wildly misguided).

Fun or not, it's true. Calling it satire protects SNL from defamation claims, but it has nothing at all to do with the question of whether it's political advertising.

Nice try, but whether or not it's satire is entirely irrelevent.

Didn't Elaine use Boggle as a super-cheap bar mitzvah gift on Seinfeld?

It's an even closer rip-off of the British show Trivia. I'm really surprised this isn't an American adaptation of that show.

…cheap fold-out couch aggravatin' my sciatica.

Using a beard to hide neck fat is like using a comb-over to hide baldness. It never works.

The biggest problem with the Netflix season of Arrested Development was the directing. Trying to shoot an entire season of episodes out of sequence is extremely difficult, and they needed some very talented and experienced directors to pull it off. I understand that the budget was much lower, but the end product would

There plenty of dangerous animals in zoos all over the world, and their security is way less impressive than Jurassic Park. In the real world, how many zoos end in bloodbaths with tourists getting eaten by the lions and tigers? The incremental awesomeness of a zoo filled with dinosaurs as compared to a real-world zoo

I've never really why everyone seems to think that Hammond did anything wrong. It was a crazy fluke that Jurassic Park ended so badly. The park was a perfectly reasonable and justified risk.
Even he was motivated mostly by profit, he's still not a villain.

Rick Perry had given up on being president, but there is a very good chance that this will backfire on the prosecutors so badly that it puts him back in the running. It's really not persuasive.