
I'm still not entirely convinced that's not Juliette Lewis.

In fairness to DC, they tried to give Wonder Woman a series until David E. Kelly fucked it up.

I actually thought season 4 was a bit of step up from season 3. I always thought season 3 was a total trainwreck. Maybe I just preferred season 4 because I had lower expectations.

Meaning it was filmed in the mid to late 90s?

I can understand why FX would be willing to put Anger Management on the air. The strange thing is that they outbid every other network that might have wanted it.

It's Ancient Aliens, not Modern Aliens. Totally on brand for the History Channel.

Only if it was at South of the Border.

If we ever get another season of Arrested Development, she's a perfect choice to play a young Lindsay Bluth in flashbacks.

I suspect the medical students that Conan knows are not a representative sample of medical students.

She's actually pretty nice, but she can be a bit dramatic. And she clearly has strong feelings about the other members of the cast. That's definitely not an act.

I've never seen any of the actual real housewife shows, but one of them lives across the hall from me. Based on that experience, I'm inclined to think the shows are pretty real.

Oddly, Maggie Smith would be one of the worst names imaginable for a Maggie Smith character. It sounds so bland, friendly and easy-going.

I always assumed that the only people with nostalgia for the late 90s were the people who were in the American Pie demographic when the movie came out. How old are you?

I believe that's "Angel's dick."

When the government can toss you into a labor camp at any time for any reason, it doesn't really matter what's legal. Effectively, everything is legal except pissing off anyone in any position of authority.

That is…not the optimal sequence for those events.

The "rule clearly inspired by a specific incident" is a perfect joke structure for sitcoms. It's easy to write, always funny and incredibly flexible. It's the sort of thing I would expect sitcom writers to overuse to the point where everyone is sick of it, but it's surprisingly rare.

In most sitcoms, the wife is much smarter than her husband, much more level-headed and always right. The genius of Peggy Hill is that she thinks she's a character on one of those sitcoms.

The audience wasn't looking for a list of explanations covering dozens of mysteries. They were looking for a single coherent explanation for all of the weirdness on the island.

I'm trying to figure out why my Angelina Jolie comment was deleted. If someone thought it was a reference to her mastectomy, that wasn't the intention. In any event, Angelina Jolie in Hackers is clearly the superior short-haired semi-adrogenous hacker girl.