Lord Buckethead

Isn’t it common knowledge that everyone was tortured by that song, though?

I swear, Texas and Florida have daily competitions to see who can be THE WORST.

Of course, they also increased the rate of abortions by defunding Planned Parenthood. The legislature has realized that they can make life impossible for abortion providers by passing a constant stream of laws, even if they all eventually end up being declared unconstitutional (and if Donald gets to replace Anthony

But. Her. Emails!

Wow, the dumbification of America sure is picking up steam.

But hey Bernie or Bust right? Because really HRC is just as bad as Trump.

Sounds like he should recuse himself from any case that involves “facts”.

This guy is especially dangerous because he’s an appellate judge; cases he helps decide will set binding federal precedent for Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio and Tennessee.

Yeah, I’m sure he just snuck up on it with a syringe full of fentanyl.

It may shock you, but I think that there’s a difference between a trained professional doing something for established reasons and working under enforceable guidelines, rules, and best practice policies, and an amateur doing the same thing for fun.

Yeah but those elephants are everywhere...

Interesting you don’t care about the 50 antelope that were saved from being chased down and killed to be eaten by the said lion?

And culling by trophy hunters isn’t actually helping. They’re killing the pretty ones that they wan’t to pose with, not the ones that actually need to be culled.

It’s sadly simple: for some people, they just like looking at something that is now dead and saying, “Look! I made that thing dead!”

It’s pretty simple. There are people who find pleasure in killing living things, and people who don’t.

He is ethical

Holy shit, when there was a reddit thread last week about Don Jr.’s hunting of elephants, there were so many people willing to jump to the defense of trophy hunters with the “Yeah but they pay a lot of money and that supports conversation” argument, along with the “It’s necessary to control populations” argument.

I’m all for the financial economy boost this kind of tourism can generate. I just think the rules of the hunt should be turned back to Masai times. You want to hunt an african lion, fine; no guns, no beaters, just one guide and a shield and a spear. Go get em boys.