Lord Buckethead

I have it on good authority from The Batman that Bruce Wayne financed an orbital death ray through an obscure line item in the Waynecorp budget.

I dunno. We need to examine his books and make sure he’s not outsourcing manufacturing to China or whatever. Anyone who spends that much on crime-fighting toys and remains a billionaire is shady as fuck.

I doubt Wayne is even a billionaire, fucker won’t release his tax returns.

The one thing Trump can point to is Neil Gorsuch as his Supreme Court Justice and only because the GOP dick move.

What are you talking about? President Trump has signed more pieces of legislation, cut more taxes, made more jobs, and done more than any other president in the history of the United States.

It’s money. I go under the assumption he’s heavily in debt to connected Russian interests (oligarchs), has no foreseeable way to pay any of it back and is in severe default on payments. His most important assignment from Putin is to get the sanctions lifted from Putin and friends’ accounts which are currently frozen

Eh, to be fair, only a great master violinist would be playing a Stradivarius. Getting the best of Trump is more like playing a $50 Yamaha, that’s how cheap and easy it is.

Rump just had his 6-month performance review with the boss. Perfectly normal, nothing to see here.

The family could auction it off, to help pay-off all the attorneys that she probably still owes money to.

Every leak about Trump/Russian shenanigans has come from Russia. They wanted someone in power that they had dirt on to leak in order to destabilize the West, and they got it. The Dipshit in Chief is getting played like a fiddle and his supporters still think he’s playing 4D chess when he doesn’t know the rules for 2D

He’s fat. The joke is that he’s fat.

I have calmly waited for my conservative, deep-South family to admit that everything is going to hell...but I finally lost it today. Air Traffic Controllers got word from our union that the current incarnation of budget that is up for vote will axe our retirement pensions (along with firefighters, and so on).

Even a broken, alcoholic Nazi clock is right twice a day.

“Clinton lost- get over it! It’s that simple!”

Make it non-date-specific, so lines aren’t as big a problem. Standing in pisslines torques my gears...

How dare you! A broken clock is right twice! I demand you name a second time the corpse of Redford has been right or apologize to broken clocks everywhere.

Stop it. You are doing a disservice to people trying to discuss healthcare in earnest.

I’d like to tell him my idea to start up a yearly pilgrimage to his grave, to piss on it, till the stone is nothing but pebbles.

That’s what’s been so puzzling about McCain. He’s one of the most beloved statesmen in his party. He’s 80 years old so really unlikely he’ll run again and he was made a mockery of by the orange head of lettuce. If any republican would come out against Herr Cheeto it would be him. The fact that he hasn’t gives me 0%

yeah, I’ve completely lost all respect for McCain recently.