Lord Buckethead

What’s scary is, unless I misunderstand how the Senate works, 4 is *still* not enough to kill it if McConnell wants it.

I am really surprised by this, I was certain that McConnell would give the conservative extremists whatever they wanted and then would just browbeat the ‘moderates’ into line (at least enough of them to get to 50 anyway).

I’d bet money that more will come out against it now. No one in the Senate was brave enough to be that 3rd vote that would kill it, so Moran and Lee held hands and jumped together. I bet more will crumble, now. Seriously, what do Heller or Capito or Manchin gain from cutting Medicaid? Their states desperately need it.

Sen. Mike Lee of Utah and Sen. Jerry Moran of Kansas

McCain is an asshole and, in his political life, a total coward.

Nobody knew healthcare could be so complicated!

Washington Post says Mike Lee ( R-Utah) and Jerry Moran (R-Kan) have come out as No on Trumpdontcare.

McCain is frustrating because he starts out saying something, seemingly taking a small stand against Trump and then he always slowly walks it back until it’s basically in full blown support of him.

Even Sheriff Clarke is second-hand embarrassed.

God I wish this fuckwit blowhard disgrace would drop dead from aneurysm or stroke of MI, or all three, I don’t care, like today.

Which is nonsense. Your free time’s dollar value is precisely what you ascribe to it by way of doing work yourself instead of having it done for you, nothing else.

As a democrat, I “approve” of Donald Trump’s performance because he hasn’t gotten us killed in nuclear hellfire. Yet. But it’s a sliding scale, and the bar is so, so, so, so low.

Leave Paw Patrol out of this.

Except that wouldn’t cost $100, let alone $30.

“And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.”

Nah, I never thought she was a satirist, that would require some creativity and wit, and I never saw either of those from her.

Yeah, I was just thinking the same thing. If you think her schtick is all an act, this is proof that, nope, she’s just an absolutely awful person. She is one of those people who is incapable of a normal human interaction. She was mildly inconvenienced and temporarily lost $30. Her initial tweet (which was itself

Delta had no choice, as dangerous reptiles are to be stored safely in a crate in the luggage compartment not seated in the main cabin.

Ok, is she overvaluing her time by several orders of magnitude, or does it just take her waaaaaaay too fucking long to book a simple fucking plane ticket?

I guess Delta just assumed that she was going to fly no class, as usual.