Lord Buckethead

“...going on to claim that booking her ticket with a seat assignment cost $10,000 of her time.”

That fucking photo she took! She is a CRAZY person. Everyone is looking at her like she is that lone weirdo who is out of touch with reality but thinks she is the beacon of the truth, eventually these people either get help or a job offer at Fox apparently.

Yeah, if you actually have me agreeing with Delta, you’ve done something terribly, terribly wrong.

I’m confused, Ann, was your broom not working?

As Coulter’s time is so valuable, you would think she would save some of it by ponying up for Business Class where all the seats are top notch and probably have USB ports.

Delta should have just taken the high road and banned her from any future flights. Then they could say they’re just saving her $10,000 worth of her time.

So you don’t remember not being there?

Those people just don’t care. About their principles; their (supposed) morals; their constituents and constituents’ concerns; who and why they were elected to SERVE (not kill); NOTHING.

I will do everything I can to make them pay, though. The Kochs are gonna die at some point....

Yes, but in the meantime, people lose their healthcare, and my premiums, which are already high, are expected to double, thanks to the two-tiered coverage system.

Seconded, thrived, and fourthed! And if you have friends or relatives in these states, please ask them to call, too. Remember that this version of Healthcare would totally end reimbursements for women’s healthcare provided through Planned Parenthood, effectively ending their services. Especially with the cuts now

More like a Nickelback concert, where a thousand people attended but you can’t get anyone to admit they went.

He was actually hurt by your comment. Like literally hurt. He’s out for the season.

The “bad blood” was all for the cameras. It was reported that Tyson and Secretariat would regularly hit the bars together.

Welcome to branding.

It’s turning into Woodstock at this point. Everyone’s claiming they were there.


I don’t really have a dog in this hunt. I just like seeing assholes that use the term “I’ll wait” get told. I can’t think of a more douchey way to respond in a discussion than “I’ll wait”.

yeah, that was rigged.