Lord Buckethead

Damn right it’s not the Garden. Does it even have obstructed view seats?

A lot of people were really concerned about adoptions...

I thought that was Drederick Tatum... or Mitch “Blood” Green... can’t remember...

The press tour is a disaster.

So, now there’s news that Junior’s meeting with the Russian lawyer was attended by a former KGB counterintelligence officer.

Welcome, it’s rare I get to flex my industry knowledge in a non-professional setting.

Im in Iowa. Where we recently saw two years of high school students having to share desks and textbooks and not get homework (when you have to share textbooks in class, your school cant afford for you to take them home) all while voluntary parent-paid feesthat include things like whether or not you get to have a

That’s a fair and good point to make, but on balance, I’ll stick with my method and refuse to utter those dirty corporate names, and recommend you do the same.

Huh, that sounds more like a trick that Lions fans would fall for.

The Get Active Foundation’s online store is nothing but Raider merchandise.

The XFL was a good idea, though.

Unless the only school that serves your area is a charter school. And only until the fees begin piling up for that “free” public school that isn’t so free in some areas. I think a lot of us don’t realize how not-free public education has been (and under DeVos is likely to continue getting) in many parts of the US. (My

If TD wants us to use the name, they can pay us.

Well she can’t, these factories are subcontracted so the most she can do is pull her product from a particular facility. However, most U.S. retailers require their vendors (in this case Ivanka) to provide documentation that factories contracted by said vendors meet certain ethical and quality standards and will not

With no child care, she leaves her daughter with her parents for most of the week. “I really miss the moments when we play together,” she said.

It’s almost as if the golden child of a con artist became one herself. Go figure.

Oh yeah, how could I forget. I’m still pissed at how she engineered Barbaro’s demise. It cost me a beautiful trifecta.

No, of course not. But the reason why 40+ states told him to go screw himself is because he was asking for this information. If he were not an idiot he would have got more states on board. I mean we are all better off with him being an idiot, but damn.

Not pictured; Scooby, licking his balls just off camera.

There are two things I expect from Trumpflakes; moving the goal post and making everything about Hillary.