Lord Buckethead

Got him elected. Why not?

To be fair, we were expected to be able to review it. They didn’t count on a lobby group using the 2A as a political shield.

What we need is a definitive answer as to whether or not the First Amendment covers propaganda. Unfortunately, the strictly constructionist argument is that yes, it does, because the FF didn’t have propaganda in mind when they crafted the amendment (because modern propaganda didn’t EXIST).

Donald Trump Jr: “Well, sure, I robbed the bank, but it turned out it wasn’t payroll day, so it wasn’t even worth taking the money. Such a nothing.”

Huge caviat: it was privately funded. For once Dolan’s complete ineptitude as a businessman accidentally gave us all something for free.

Holy shit, seriously, the dumb motherfucker is still fucking talking? Christ on a crutch, you stupid bastard. How many times will he contradict himself tonight, even with Hannity and his editing team slobbering at the chance to help Fredo save face?

I know they’re talking about using the coliseum though, and there’s no way they don’t drop an insane amount of money renovating (I know they’re renovating now, but they’re going to do a lot more work if they get the Olympics, and have 11 years to prep) what will be a 107 year old stadium. They’re going to want to show

The one thing that might make this slightly faster than Watergate is that the people conspiring with Nixon could think strategically. Or thought, just as an thing one does, in general. It’s a lot easier to catch someone when the person you’re chasing won’t stop tripping over their own feet.

Hey, if I’m one of the last three living humans, there’s a chance I could medal in something!

on the bright side, we should all be dead by then

I don’t want to blow anybody’s mind, but Tokyo’s budget which had started under $7B (They’re reusing facilities. Tokyo’s got this. Not like those other unprepared cities.) has gone up to $16.8B.

Still the orangest.

Except his suits are shit.

It’s kind of like if Reagan proclaimed that our Marines took on the formidable might of the Grenadian armed forces and won a hard fought victory.

You know things have gotten bad when Donald Trump isn’t even the dumbest Donald Trump.

Sounds like he’s talking about his suit.

I averaged it out among all the various dipshits. Trump, for instance, yearns overtly for the 1950s, while Sessions obviously pines for the days when the Jim Crow laws were newly passed. Mike Pence seems to think he’s currently living in the 1950s, so it’s anyone’s guess what decade he’s aiming for.

I never in my life had any interest in doing drugs until I took the DARE course in 6th grade. They told me all about drugs I’d never even heard of, what kind of effects they had, slang terms to use so I didn’t sound like a narc when I was buying them, what sort of people I could buy them from, and to always try to