Lord Buckethead

Hahahahaha, jobs? No no, the real boner and intimacy killers are those gross little things that come out of your GF’s vagina (or through adoption if you’re a gay male couple) and suck all of your time, money and energy. They’re lovely, don’t get me wrong, but sex becomes an afterthought for a while when you have one

Yeah, but you’d think at one point, even Putin would say, “Dude, they’re on to us. Play it cool, man.”

It’s odd that the more news about improper relations between Russia and Trump’s people comes out, the more Trump wants to get into bed with Putin. Wouldn’t most administrations go out of their way to distance themselves? Even just as a matter of self preservation.

Actually it’d be more like asking Emperor Hirohito to form a joint task force to investigate the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Damn it must suck to be the Fredo in a family made up entirely of Fredos.

I can’t believe that our president gave up two full hours meeting with Donald Trump.

What’s it gonna take for someone, or some group of idiots to realize what the hell is going on here? It’s like dumbfuck day is every waking moment with this clown.

In all seriousness this would be like asking the Imperial Japanese Army to help look at improving treatment of PoWs or Nazi Germany for better ways to stop discrimination.

I have no idea what’s going on here, but Magic Johnson looks really upset.

Once they start marking it up with amendments I wouldn’t be surprised to see a sudden swing in it’s favor. Heck, even the original Affordable Care Act went through this exact same process once it hit the Senate years ago.

Remember the “Cornhusker Kickback”? This is just how the Senate operates.

Where I grew up, you couldn’t spit without hitting a kid whose parent(s) worked and/or partied on the Hill. McCain has been well-known as a belligerent moron since at least the 90's. By all accounts, the man never cast a vote he understood. And I’ve heard a lot of suggestion that he wasn’t all that heroic in the

Indeed, the rights of people who don’t like (or don’t care about) guns are rarely spoken of.

Did you ever read about the “re-enactments” they did of the Charlie Hebdo shootings in France, except they gave the magazine staff guns?

Pence is, and always has been, a Koch man, one of a handful of bland yet incredibly destructive Republican radicals maneuvered into governorships by the Koch apparatus over the years (Sam Brownback of Kansas and the odious Scott Walker of Wisconsin are the best known of the rotten bunch). Billionaire trust fund brat,

Remember that the house bill was also declared “dead” before being revived and passed a little while later. Now is not the time to get complacent.

Important to remember that McCain is an idiot and a liar. And that was before he became a feeble-minded coward.

I wish Obama would have told Mitch to put that threat in his turtle shell and smoke it and gone public with the information.

Apt metaphor as Mr. Trump is a big turd the GOP continues to polish, but seems confused why it’s still a turd.

For us it was altoids... your brain and skull would go numb from the mint overload.

It’s almost as if Reagan was just a mediocre actor selling a bag of feces and calling it rubies. My dear old dad still venerates Ronnie. Well dad, if Ronnie would have his way your gay son would be dead in the street but thank goodness he ushered in capitalism into Russia, that really worked out.