Lord Buckethead

In the photo’s with Putin he looked like a dehydrated slug. He is so repugnant, how his groupies can stand to listen & look at him is beyond me.

The relationship is more parasitic than anything else. Hard to tell who’s the parasite and who’s the host though.

The way droves of Americans bought into the propaganda effort by Putin & his cronies only ensures he will do it again, and reach even further. And the way the R. base has fallen into a Russian fervor is sobering about what they envision for the future of the country.

Eh, call me when he wins the Dubai; Slavery Free Irish Open.

I know all flyover states look the same but Illinois does not share a border with Ohio. A little state called Indiana is between them and provides all the guns Chicagoans want.  

I love how the Sixers surely have a form like an elementary school field trip form or hall pass that’s saved in Office where they just update the player’s info:

Which is EXACTLY why I will fucking go all in on a guy like Steve Scalise after he gets shot. Because that is what the GOP has been doing all along. They expect us to face risks they are not willing to endure. Fuck. That.

This is the Sixers we’re talking about. I’m sure they already have his retirement announcement typed and set to run by November.
RIP Fultz.

I like the cut of your gib my friend.

I’m starting to think this whole ‘process’ thing might not be trustworthy.

It’s actually embarrassing if you look at the amounts most of these people are getting from the NRA - apparently all it takes is around $6k to get a congressperson to tolerate children being shot in school.


I think this might actually have a better chance of changing something. A fetus died here, and the only thing republicans care about as much as guns is fetuses. The problem with Sandy Hook is that the victims were actual children, which the GOP does not give two shits about.

Well, from all the documents of every state who want to have an open carry, they excluded government buildings of the same issue.

A Congresswoman got shot in the head and a Congress didn’t think to do anything. Proudly racist Congressman Steve Scalise got shot in the dick and even that wasn’t enough to move any Republicans on gun control. There was a brief blip when Reagan and Brady got shot, but nothing since.

Nothing happened after Sandyhook, so it’ll never happen.

One has to wonder what kind of level of horror will have to happen in order to get gun control? I really thought a class of murdered children should have swayed gun advocates, but sadly even that wasn’t enough. Even worse there were actually morons saying it didn’t even happen. I feel terrible for the victims in this

What every gender reveal party really needs is a good guy with a gun.

“Ohio is an open-carry state that allows residents to openly possess firearms with or without a license.”