Lord Buckethead

His father has made it substantially further while acting like one.

I still can’t get how he’s made it this far while shooting like a five year old.

“The president is new at this.” Speaker of the House—Paul Ryan.

I keep waiting for any of this stuff to matter just like I keep waiting for all these unaccomplished blonde women who all look the same to stop being the only women who appear in association with this administration

Until one of those players shows promise and we send them to Man U again

Rooney joins Everton, so they can finish outside the top 6 again.

And fewer kitchen boxing matches, too.

what i dont understand, and what no one will tell me, is why hasnt anyone looked into Benghazi? its important! is it because Benghazi is a woman? so biased!

Old man kicks balls at discount, more at 11.

He also revealed that he still wears Everton pajamas, so there’s that.

I don’t go even further and dissolve the Confederate states. We were still admitting new states for a good while after the Civil aware, so the mfather charismatic was active and well known. Redraw all state and county lines and let them join up as new territories that can become states when they’ve finished


This is exactly why I don’t play in the summer league.

The Neverending Process.

You know, I viewed this when it was first aired, and vaguely remember thinking of him as kind of a charming but even handed old coot of an historian......but really loving the black women historian....matter of factly pointing out that “it was the time” was really no excuse for being pro-enslavement of other human

I am actually watching it right now. Something I forgot to mention that I notice more and more at each viewing:

You forgot “Tell Sherman to pack more kindling”…

I suggested before; they should have been chained to the remains of Fort Sumter, and then blown all the way to hell by the same cannons they used to start it all with…

I have been watching Ken Burns Civil War for like the 9000th time (really hadn’t seen it in a few years..but Netflix keeps flaunting at me so...)

Embiid: [Typing] Fuck LaVar Ball.