Personally I think we either didn’t sacrifice enough goats to our gods or we sacrificed too many goats to our gods.
Personally I think we either didn’t sacrifice enough goats to our gods or we sacrificed too many goats to our gods.
Hey, remember back in 2016 when Trump was going on about Hillary being on death’s door and not having enough physical stamina to be president? Good times.
If they’re trying to convince me that he doesn’t have Alzheimer’s and the only person who can manage him is his daughter, they’re failing. Miserably.
75 million to get rid of Rooney would’ve been pretty good on its own
Imagine the frothing FOX News shitstorm had this been Chelsea Clinton.
I can’t wait until they let Baron run the army.
Yeah, we’re talking about a man who seems incapable of feeling shame when it comes to his shady business practices, his finances, his terrible comments/tweets about pretty much every marginalized population... he and everyone invested in fellating his ego deflect that stuff pretty easily.
Even if Trump didn’t do anything with hookers by now Putin has made one with a lookalike. He’s done that before. Maybe he even was responsible for the rumor in the first place in order to pre-substantiate the validity of the fake tape. Or there’s a real tape. Either way there’s a tape.
I don’t know why you’re calling this bad. It’s exactly what I wanted to see.
The crazy thing is him getting listed at 6'6" when he measured 6'3.5" (without shoes). That’s quite an exaggeration even for the NBA unless he had some growth spurt I missed.
“You mean the NBA isnt full of 6'1 players guarding me i can just shoot over all game?”
See, I still think it’s about the money. Cheeto the Hutt has been able to fool a lot of people over a huge span of time that he is very wealthy, but it seems like he got wiped out in the Real Estate Crash of 2007/2008. I’m guessing the Russkies based him out at that point and have been tormenting him about it ever…
Either way is fine with me as long as it destroys him and hopefully many other Republicans.
I don’t think the proof of being a pee-pee pervert is enough for him...I think, like other posters have said, it’s more that Putin bailed him out and Trump is afraid of admitting he was broke broke broke broke broke.
Could be as simple as Trump owes Russia millions of dollars and would have to pay all of it back if he doesn’t do exactly what Putin wants.
Gonna have to disagree a little; Putin does have something on him, but *45 ain’t gonna care about a pee tape or anything that would involve what normal human beings would feel shame about. This is a... “man” who glibly blows off sexual assault, remember.
Every handshake picture we see, *45's hand is on the bottom. Not on the side, not on the top—the bottom.
I did my job today, too.