Lord Buckethead

If Putin says he didn’t interfere, well, that should settle the whole matter. If there’s one thing Putin learned in the KGB, it’s honesty and integrity.

“Tell you what? Let’s work with the Japanese to get to the bottom of this.”

It’s sort of like if FDR said, I think it was the Japanese but it could have been another country, who knows. Besides the Japanese Emperor and ambassador said it wasn’t them.”

The counterclaim did not specify what was intolerable.

It’s hard to get any work done with all those screaming kids around.

We’d have to see his divorce papers to be sure.

Well, for one thing, Steve Bannon has never claimed to be the pompatus of love. There are probably other differences, as well, but that one just jumped out at me right away.


I don’t know. Maybe. I can totally see Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin, and Angela Merkel getting together and saying “Hey, let’s bring up Clinton with Trump and watch him lose his shit. It’ll totally be fun!”.

Trump’s got a thing for being a fucking prick.

Right - not being American I had not parsed the difference.

It is pretty amazing. You can’t even see Putin’s hand up Trump’s ass.

I still love myself some LBJ! He was tarred and feathered for intensifying America’s involvement in Vietnam. And was given no credit at all for pushing forward a huge domestic agenda ranging from Medicare to more anti-poverty programs and voting rights.

If you have about six months to spare you should read Robert Caro’s multi-volume bio of LBJ. It’s not exactly a page-turner but fascinating nonetheless.

Jon Koncak doesn’t understand why is everybody making a fuss about this contract.

I’m sure the Knicks actually meant to sign Tim Hardaway Sr.

Yep, with Kennedys retirement coming soon and Ruth finally dying, it’s game over folks.

Glass houses, yadayada.

These guys learn this in Sunday School. He’s probably already had to trot out that tired excuse already in his life. This one just happened to make the papers.

I submit that this was Dubya’s happiest day and he was high-fiving Secret Service agents afterwards, proud of missing that shoe.