Lord Buckethead

All this stuff playing out in states over right to choose probably isn’t going to matter much longer.

He doesn’t just get to be a judge.

Get out of here with your facts and statistics. Things like that have no place in elections.

Hillary didn’t inspire them enough.

So Republicans are very concerned about Trump and his actions, but they’re just going to continue to rubber stamp his appointments by god.

Now he can continue his hunt for the real killer of Nicole and Ron who, if OJ’s earlier efforts are any indication, is hiding out on one of the finer golf courses in the country.

Good. Don’t let the door bang you in the ass on your way out.

Because these people are, at heart, majorly blood thirsty bastards. Since they can’t hunt humans for sport, they do the next best thing.

I can’t stop laughing this image.

Are you fucking shitting me?

Yeah because these elephants populations are totally out of control. I almost hit one with my car the other day.

Oh you’re talking about all these business owners who tell people in other jobs to STFU and quit whining about wanting more money because that’s the way capitalism works, only to immediately turn around and start whining like stuck pigs about how they need tax breaks and other government subsidies if their businesses

Because there’s no guarantee the team will still be any good 5-10 years down the road.

It started in the NFL because tickets are almost always in demand because of the low number of games. At first only the really popular teams like the Packers, Steelers and Cowboys were willing to try it because they knew if some of the current ticket holders balked at it, there were plenty of people on the waiting who

-Typical conversation with GOP politicians on this issue.

Pure Michigan.

Well he just assured his victory in the election.

So what I’m dying to know is how the Navy is planning to maintain an 11 carrier force once the Nimitz class ships start to be retired.

But you also have to understand that Republicans absolutely LOVE to pride themselves as the party that “Supports the troops” and “Honors their sacrifice” while it’s those godless American hating liberals that are throwing things at veterans and calling them baby killers