Actually Mitch McConnell totally deserves that.
Actually Mitch McConnell totally deserves that.
Any respect and credit I gave him for his ordeal in the Hanoi Hilton, went right out the window when Trump pissed all over him for ending up as a POW and McCain basically sat there and took it.
“Trump also seemed to think that Mueller’s investigation would “cross a red line” if it scrutinized his children.”
“I like guys who don’t get brain cancer.”
So the President whose legacy McCain fought so hard to destroy gives him a message like this, while the current one that he has knuckled under to countless times calls him a loser for being a POW. Yet, somehow in the eyes of Republicans, Obama will always be the evil one.
And when is someone going to tell him that putting a word like sick in quotes is actually implying the opposite meaning, not emphasizing it.
Meanwhile, at the luncheon today with the GOP senators, Trump said that a new healthcare law would drive down premiums by 60-70%
As long as UW can field a good football team, the GOP could care less about what happens to the school.
It’s not surprising to see Wisconsin’s war on higher learning, considering Scott Walker dropped out of college and never got his degree
To be fair, I’m sure there are some pretty kick ass moonshine stills the police could seize.
Paul and McCain also have the fact that they’re both idiots who have gotten everything in life because they had influential and powerful dads who were willing to pull strings.
Yeah but he gets the stoopid libturdz really upset, so it all balances out in the end as far as his supporters are concerned.
Yeah, all the stuff he was saying and doing during the election was just to win votes. He’s really not like that in real life.
Sadly politics is the best example there is of the old “Power is best left in the hands of those who don’t seek it” adage.
I can understand why Paul thought sessions would completely change his ways once he became the AG.
Everything except the 2nd Admendment.
Even though she’s not an elected official, I feel compelled to point out Betsy DeVos as an example that there are prominent Republican women in government that are every bit as evil and destructive in their intentions as their male counterparts.
Further proof that God hates Texas.