Lord Buckethead

Yeah the guy is a troll and an asshole......no surprise there.

When I read “slithering mass of slime eels” I naturally assumed this article would be about House and Senate Republicans.

After the pattern Hillary established in the way she rubbed out Vince Foster and Seth Rich, I think it’s perfectly reasonable to assume she’s behind this one too.

I have a hard time believing that even Lloyds is going to just shell out $5 million, especially when the guy apparently left a note saying he was committing suicide specifically so his survivors could cash in on the policy right before it expires.

Doesn’t suicide generally annul most life insurance policies?

I sure hope they get the Carmelo situation settled soon. He’s probably the difference between the Knicks having a 30 win season or a 33 win season next year.

It is really stunning the amount of time, money, and energy these people dedicate to try and create a society where your rights are as a human being are primarily decided by what sex organ you choose to have your own sex organ interact with.

Fuck him with one of Ayn Rand’s skeleton fingers.

If that didn’t work, Trump’s next plan was to take Putin to a cement walled room that was lit by only a bare lightbulb hanging from the ceiling, with water dripping in the background, and ask him again while shining a bright light on his face and doing good cop/bad cop.

You’d think being in “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” would have taught Shia LaBeouf all there is to know about feeling ashamed.

Putin must have had to use every ounce of his KGB training to stand up to that kind of intense grilling.

I have no doubt that tomorrow Trump will tweet that he is going to put the Special Olympics on that list of terrorrist organizations and call the kids “SAD!”

Yeah, demand for business and residential stock is at such a high that some of Detroit’s tallest buildings sit abandoned.

Vernors tastes what ginger ale would taste like if they added a huge amount of robitussun to it.

Well you’re wrong on that count asshole. Unless you live there, odds are good I’m there more than you.

Oh good, I was worried for a moment you wouldn’t pull out the “You don’t live there.....so you can’t possibly know” line. That’s the oldest dodge in the book.

I go there plenty. It fucking sucks.

Fortunately for you there was never that chance. They put that on the artist concept for PR reasons and because it would reduce the public bitching about the public tax dollars used if they believed it was going to have something like that on the roof.

If you think it’s thriving, you really need to travel more.

Yeah. That almost balances out the hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars he got from a broke city for his new stadiums.