Lord Buckethead

Bullshit. LC was never any good.

Sepp Blatter was floored when he heard the news.

And this “there’s two sides to every issue and they both have to be heard” bullshit is one of the biggest cons the GOP has pulled to further their evil agendas.

Sadly they have reached the point where I’ve just come to expect it, and I’m actually amazed when they do something that DOESN’T go out of its way to be cruel to a large group of people.........and I can’t remember the last time that happened.

In Lions’ fans minds a 45-28 loss is a heart breaker.

Don’t forget Sanders called it quits when he was within a season if breaking Payton’s all time record. And then could have blown it so far out of reach, that Smith would have never touched it.

For an extra helping of vomit, here’s a picture of a group of evangelical Christians laying hands on Trump and praying this morning in the Oval Office. Although I do find the guy smirking like he realizes what a bunch of bullshit it is (I thought it was Bannon at first, but I guess it’s not.)

If we hadn’t already passed the point where the GOP should be labeled a cult instead of a party.......Yesterday put the finishing touches on making that official.

Yeah but many of his constituents believe that the Mexicans are just dying to get to Iowa and ruin their way of life.

Pretty disappointed in the tweets.

Flag waving Republicans love to scream how they support the troops.............Unless they weren’t American citizens, then fuck ‘em. Thanks for your service, now get the hell out of here because ‘Murica!!!

If Getmany hadn’t started it in Poland, they would have started it somewhere else.

People love to talk about one of the things that makes the Constitution great is that it such a “flexible” document......when it’s really not.

It’s like he going up to the hangman that’s short of rope and saying “Oh here, let me give you more so you can do your job more quickly”

I have zero doubt that if Hannity was around in 1945, he’d be in the bunker right by the side of his beloved Fuhrer, screaming and ranting that they weren’t the least bit responsible for the war, until the very end.

The fact MSG had a billion dollars in renovations done so people can watch the Knicks is everything that is wrong with America.

Well one cool thing that came out of the 1984 Olympics is the movie “Blue Thunder” was based on needing special security for the games, which was the reason the Blue Thunder helicopter was created.

It may not be as bad as you think.

Get the fuck out......Usually the Olympics are famous for bring things in under budget and with very few snafus.

Fuck Sean Hannity. He’s nothing but a modern day Joseph Goebbles and it’s “We’re always right and good, and you’re always evil and wrong” assholes like him and Rush that have made it possible for an atmosphere to exist where allowing the Russians to have influence in the running of the country “Isn’t really any big