Lord Buckethead

Sigh........these dumbshits just don’t get it.

Actually our Republican leaders here aren’t so much hiding from the issues anymore as they are telling pointing fingers at various groups and saying “They are the reason we have these issues, elect us and we’ll deal with them and everything will be great.”

He must have gotten the tie breaker or something.

I’m sure Ivanka is going to be all over this and we’ll see some rapid change.

I know.........That’s pretty fucking inexcusable.

We here at the NRA will use all our political power to zealously pursue the person, who violated the rights of a legally carrying gun owner, and make sure justice is served

Actually Jones offered him the GM position and partial ownership.

He’s on the short list as Baylor’s next head coach.

“Penn State is seeking $891,856 of base salary, accrued interest, and court fees...........As well as the immediate restoration of the statue of Joe Paterno in front of Beaver Stadium.”

Unfortunately Vlad hasn’t shared the specifics of his plans with me.

I’ll see your Quebec and raise you Texas.

ISIS is just waiting to hit the Saturday night bingo game at the local Rotary Club hall and bring America to its knees.

The fact is Canada has been a lot more sane with it’s leaders and policies than the United States for pretty much all of its history. It’s just standing out now because of the current climate here.

I feel threatened because it appears our current government is willing to collaborate with Russia to achieve their political goals and that Putin is pulling the strings of the President.

Well apparently all the people in places like Iowa and Nebraska are convinced that Islamic terrorists are just chomping at the bit to bomb their towns and this travel ban is the only thing that’s going to keep the at bay.

Not saying they don’t.

So I spent the last 4 days, including the 4th, in Canada.

Colorado, Tennessee and Missouri are the only three that have expressed support for it, although Colorado walked it back a bit by saying they’d only share info that is freely available to the public.

Take Larry Bird and reduce his shooting, passing, rebounding, and playmaking abilities by about 35% and you have Heyward.

Well it’s still surprising because Republicans don’t seem all concerned about states rights when they conflict with one of their political goals, like a chance to further voter suppression.