Lord Buckethead

I’m sure he does.

Does fucking Ayn Rand’s corpse count as cheating on his wife?

No shit. When you’ve got Mississippi telling you to get fucked, you really need to ask yourself is you’ve finally gone too far.

But it’s never too soon for Republicans to send thoughts and prayers.

Funny how Conservatives are so fond of throwing that phrase around, until some people decide that maybe it’s their blood that should be watering the liberty tree.

It’s a good bet this is where they’ll be.

He built a team that won 3 titles and then he REBUILT it when they lost guys like Grant, Cartwright and Armstrong, into another squad that won 3 titles.

Uh, HELLO! Don’t leave us out if that honor. Did the Bulls or Knicks trade 2 top 3 draft picks, and a probable third one, for a couple of stars who were clearly past their prime? They’d better step up their game if they want to beat us in this area.

There was one I watched where Dave chided him about calling up Marla, right after she and Trump divorced, and asking her out and Trump said “I’ll give you her number right now, you’d be lucky to have her.”

That’s like saying you shouldn’t go to the hospital when you’re seriously ill because 3 things could happen (you could die, get sicker, or get better) and two are bad. Well 1 of those 3 things is going to happen regardless, going to the hospital usually increases the chance of it being a good outcome drastically.

If you watch some of his interviews with David Letterman from the 90's, Trump sounds nothing like he does now.

I think it’s a combination.

This has been the standard MO of Republicans when they’ve passed RTW laws for years now.

It really is great that the Republicans can be so flippant about this whole healthcare thing.

Meanwhile in Wisconsin, Scott Walker has already turned over the information and is organizing a voter suppression police force as we speak.

To further his healthcare/porcupine sex analogy.........This is what it’s going to feel like for tens of millions of Americans if the Republicans are successful in passing the “Better Care Reconciliation Act.”

Me too. I hate that Goddamned chin raised, tight lipped smirk of his.

I’m pretty, in retaliation for the court challenges from Hawaii, Trump is going to order an attack on the Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor.


Somebody needs to put this picture on a huge billboard, like Cleveland did with LeBron James.