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    My only issue with this is you can’t toast those little bagel chips at home or in an office toaster unless you have one of those rolling toaster deals (in which case, good for you Mr. McDuck).  Untoasted bagels are just gross, the nice thing about bagels is the toasted edges and soft interior, this would just get

    I don’t know Ratto, although I’m enjoying him on Deadspin. Reminds me a little of my Pittsburgh’s Mark Madden, who’s a more foul-mouthed ass clown that hates his fans and has been fired for his comments at least once, but is probably one of the most, if not the most, astute sports commentators in this town.

    I give the finger with my thumb out, just like my gramma taught me.

    For the Italian food guy check out Jeff Cioletti’s stuff at The Takeout. He has a Sunday Sauce that looks bomb and I plan to make as soon as I have an actual Sunday, and meatballs that look really good too  (I’d probably leave off some of the meat in the sauce, and the nuts in the meatballs, but adjust to your taste):

    Late to the party, but does anybody else lick the cheese dust off of doritos before eating the chip?  

    That’s fair, and we’re not disagreeing. If you have a consistent pattern of 1-stars about a specific problem, that’s one thing (hence me saying that unless it’s overwhelming in one direction). But if it’s more or less a bell curve, the 2's and 4's hold a lot more credibility with me; the bottom end and top end are

    I do this too. I have a personal algorithm that pretty much automatically throws out one and five star reviews on everything, unless it’s really overwhelming in one direction. Nobody is perfect, and there are few businesses that are complete failures that stick around. Those 1s and 5s are generally outliers, It’s

    Just for the record, Tom Izzo is 64.  Aaron Henry is 19.  Who’s the more mature one in this exchange?  

    We do two dinner salads regularly in our house: one is sortof a Greek salad, chicken, vinaigrette etc; we call it the “Healthy” salad.

    I didn’t know that, I use my cast iron skillet on my glass stovetop at least every other week. If I break it, so be it, not gonna hurt the skillet.  Be a rebel, my friend, don’t let Big Stove boss you around! 

    As someone who spent over a decade playing combat sports (The nerfed-up Karate Kid kind, not MMA), I will tell you that you will catch a shot in the balls on the reg. Not even the gratuitous kind like that clip, but if you both go for a kick at the same time someone’s catching a foot in the sack. And don’t think that

    As a guy that believes Jesus was a real dude but not the son of God, I’ve always viewed the Passion as just a fairly accurate filmed representation of the most popular story ever told. Anybody who’s spent ten minutes with a bible knows it’s a horror show, as were most stories of the era by modern standards. Scourging

    Right, but I want it in yellow. Can I get it in neon yellow?

    Anecdote, not evidence: In my time (2003) we could field a ton of mech infantry/cav for one tank. It’s more mobile, more agile and of course cheaper. We had M1s on one base I was at, and as far as I knew they never even moved, just reverse-engineered incoming fire and shot back. (Not for nothing, though, the sound of

    I live in a fairly rural Pennsyltucky town and, while I wouldn’t want to leave the joint standing open all weekend, I’ve definitely been in stores that were left unattended for >10 mins at a stretch.  Everybody just seemed confused more than anything, but there certainly wasn’t any theft.  I don’t know where these

    This is a good question.  I’m going to go with no, as that name was never used in the comics, and the man who became the Joker was unnamed in The Killing Joke.  I think the man behind the smile is a mystery, which of course was played with brilliantly in The Dark Night.  Wanna know how I got these scars?...

    Huh, I follow F1 somewhat, rooted for him when he drove for McClaren, and I never even realized Hamilton was black (mixed, whatever). I knew he is British, and looking up pics now it’s obvious, but it never registered for me.  Doesn’t matter, just funny that I’ve never noticed.  

    This absolutely feels like a mistake I could make, not knowing marathon running very well.  

    Ugh god you’re right, I hadn’t even thought of that. It’s full-on nightmare fuel if you want to take a paranoid angle on it: India and Pakistan escalate, China comes in against India, does the West retaliate/defend India? That’s WWIII material. I’m sure it won’t come to that, but stranger things have happened, and even

    I had this exact same reaction when some little snot tried to shove me in a Wal-Mart