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    Wait, those aren’t considered street legal?  I used to drive them down to the CoGo’s for gas and hit up the donut shop drive through on my way back.

    Porch Monkey! Man I forgot about that one, that’s digging deep into the asshole racist vocabulary.

    My wife had to have an episiotomy. Nothing will prepare you for a doctor taking a pair of scissors to your wife’s perineum. It’s a sight you can’t unsee. Fortunately she was so bonkers on drugs that she can’t remember it, but I’m here to tell you it was a horror show.

    I can’t think of a place in my town that has a bar, but no TV. Granted I live in a sports-heavy city (Pittsburgh), but every single place I’ve wandered into has a TV, even on mute. Think of it as wall art during the day, something for loners to look at, and turn it up during games.  Or run one of those music channels.

    Man I don’t get having the energy to file a lawsuit over $210/yr. If you aren’t happy with the service, just cancel it and walk away.

    The first Matrix movie. I ran that on a continuous loop while gaming after the DVD came out, and still watch it when I get a chance. Man I love that flick.  After that, probably Aliens and T2.

    Yeah, I thought the pretty much even numbers at the top end was interesting, although I choose to read it as “Both sides are money-grubbing morons, don’t give to or trust any of them”.  

    Ooh i remember that, not for restaurants (which are relatively low-dollar propositions), but for like theme parks or zoos or stuff where it’s like a 20 dollar difference? I have a specific memory of sitting in my mom’s car and her telling me to tell the ticket girl that I was 11. My skinny 14 yr old self would pass

    This is funny to me just because my 9 year old has started forgoing the kid’s menu and ordering adult meals, and is better than me (37) at cleaning his plate. He’s not even a big kid, just has the metabolism of a superhero or something. Or he poops like a madman, who knows.  

    Apparently you aren’t a public transportation commuter.  What would you use, a purse?

    Well so far, the FBI hasn’t been able to figure those numbers out exactly, but I think they have greater investigitave powers than I do, so I’ll leave that to them.

    Just leaving this here, make of it what you will.

    heh I found Phoenix lovely :) but I have very low expectations of desert towns, obviously.

    God I hated the fucking desert. The poverty, lack of resources, and sheer filth of it all. And that’s before you get into the unspeakable, casual violence. Stick yourself in one of the pics: the tattered rags, garbage vehicles, dusty streets, incredible heat, and constant threat of some a-hole warlord riding into town

    Only fits two?  Even a Ranger bed will fit at least a half-dozen of your friends!

    I hated the Cowboys during Romo’s run, but he’s become my favorite broadcaster on a national level.  The guy’s amazing.

    After years of dealing with the NFL rulebook, I sortof appreciate one that runs all of four pages.

    I knew this was going to be the response I got. That site is a hard-right site, no disagreement here, and I don’t like the language of it. But their numbers don’t lie, and the sources they cite (based on your own reference) are generally rated as center-left (The Toronto Star, the CBC) or completely neutral. I’m not