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    Firstly, it irritates me to keep saying this, but automatic weapons have been banned in the US since 1934 and not used in a mass shooting event since the Al Capone era. Maybe I’m being pedantic, but if you know anything about guns it’s an important distinction.

    One thing I can tell you is a problem with this name is that some Vets get really uptight about people appropriating that label without having served.  A bunch of 20-something millionaires calling themselves “The Veterans” without ever even approaching a recruiting office would bend me the wrong way, and I’m not

    I used to work for the Pinkertons! Right before they got bought out by Securitas. It’s a much more benign organization now lol, think less murdering miners and more Paul Blart.

    <-- got fired for not coming in to work while my wife was in the hospital.  Called it in, had sick/vacation days, still got canned.  AND they fought me on unemployment.

    This is why I hang out in smoking bars.  18+ Only!

    You’re correct on all your points, I’d probably even go with something more like “Local man saves crash victim’s life, but it cost him a job interview” or whatever, I’m not a writerer.  Maybe stick the ex-con stuff in the story about how he’s trying to rebuild his life, getting a job, etc.  If they’re doing a piece on

    Beating off just offstage while a female comic is doing her set while looking her in the eyes counts as public, I’d say, which IIRC he did more than once.

    I don’t know about gunfire, but I definitely know people who, if you touched their truck in this way, you’d better be prepared to fistfight some really pissed rednecks.

    People joke about their butts being “exit-only”, but anal sex is a thing that people do and some enjoy.  But seriously people, don’t put things in your urethra, for fuck’s sake.

    A small side note, as well is guns: moving a gun does not make a noise.  If you swing from left to right and your gun makes a clackety noise, you have a major problem.

    Holy shit I hadn’t considered what the acronym for them would be, that’s hilarious.  I hope they have a big flag that reads “FOAK” somewhere.

    I barbecue year-round, I bastardized my BBQ sauce from Burneko years ago; it basically goes like this: tomato, acid, salty, sweet, spicy.

    But it also means that every evil asshole gets to breeze through it, pretend they’re a Constitutional scholar, and then exploit its obvious blind spots.

    Just out of curiosity, did they actually do anything remotely offensive? Last time I checked being pro-constitution, waving an American flag and getting your ass stomped for it isn’t exactly fascism in action.

    Yeah, the oddest part of this is that Stan was such a force for progressivism way, way before it was cool.

    I was so incredibly disappointed by The Spirit. I saw it in the theater, it has two of my very favorite actors in Scarlet and Samuel, and one of my favorite writers in Miller. Man was that thing a disaster, after 300 and the (I’d argue) Miller-inspired Batman movies, I had such high hopes, how that much talent turned

    I want these installed in my office, they have like a three inch drop from seat to water, I’m constantly teabagging the goddamn toilet water, it’s disgusting. Women, feel my pain.

    Are you insane?  Check out a rehab center some time my friend, it’s the truest melting pot you’ll ever find.