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    Man, I’m no fan of Tucker Carlson, but can someone please explain to me how this:

    Man, I’m no fan of Tucker Carlson, but can someone please explain to me how this:

    Her almost non-chalance reaction, and the way he keeps timing the hits between talking to her, are amazing and terrifying. It’s clear they both have deep experience in their roles, here: him at terrorizing her, her at being his victim. Just awful, makes me want to introduce this guy to Gina Haspel.

    Want to stop giving your money to this giant, oppresive pile of amoral technocrats? Give it to these other amoral technocrats instead!

    Want to stop giving your money to this giant, oppresive pile of amoral technocrats? Give it to these other amoral technocrats instead!

    That’s a great article I hadn’t caught, thank you for sharing it. I think Brooke and I are on the same page, but she writes much more lucidly (and less profanely) than I.

    I’d argue it’s about three paragraphs too long, but okay. I should’ve gone with a much more concise post, and the only response I’ve gotten: “Shut the fuck up.” That’s much better than anything I was, however inartfully, trying to express.

    I’m not going to say anything about the little girl, other than that she’s adorable, and if she were my child I would try to gently point out to her that Michelle is better than a queen, she’s a beautiful, successful woman in her own right regardless (or perhaps in spite of) of how or where she was born.

    Friend of mine test-drove a spyder and did a burnout coming out of a parking lot. I just stood by and giggled, but I guess the sales guy wasn’t pleased. He lusted after these things, but I think he wound up with a Sunfire.

    I’ve always taken “bugger” in British English to be roughly equivalent to “Fag” or “Faggot” in American English, which is one thing if you’re goofing with your friends (my lesbian best friend calls me a fag at least 27 times per conversation, even though I’m a married straight dude), but not acceptable for polite or

    I’m a software developer, and I’ve worked for startups. This all sounds incredibly familiar to me; it’s not pleasant, but working for a startup (particularly one with the boss’s name on the masthead) is a huge pain in the ass, long hours with little compensation other than the (hopeful) promise that things will go

    This is the worst possible scenario for a Pittsburgh fan, as well. Our most hated opponent and cross-state rival. Barf barf barf.

    Toy Story 3 is a horrible, depressing movie that made my four year old cry. It’s an awful movie.

    Please: Cutesy nicknames/misspellings for politicians. I just saw “Ray-Gun” used in an otherwise sensible comment on this website. Please, die. Also: Obummer, Shrub, Shrillary, Bushitler, Orange 45, Odummy, etc, etc, etc, barf.

    I don’t even like U2 or Bono, but this is a spectacular butchering of the guy’s words and thoughts. The “Revolution” he’s predicting is actually his son’s feeling on the state of rock music, then giving his opinions on that feeling.

    I would argue that leaving an event that I’m sure he wanted to be at very badly because his kid was being an ass is exemplary parenting, honestly. This isn’t leaving-mass-early ‘cause the kid’s throwing a tantrum, this is leaving your favorite team at the frigging Super Bowl. I don’t have any personal feelings one way

    Just for the curious, here’s how the numbers cited in the article break down as a percentage: For the millionaire, that’s 2% of their income. For the middle-class range, that’s 15%, and for the low-income, its 0.8%.

    I love this idea. Even if you don’t really dig christmas, a little forced cheer on the grim sunless days of deep winter would be great, and we all need a break right now anyway. Its perfect.

    Nope nope nope, October already has its holiday, the funnest one of all. Christmas as a deep winter holiday, a bit of (no matter how forced) cheer and fun when everything else is grey and dead and grim is an awesome idea.

    I like this. “People are complaining that we’re banning shit? We should ban their stupid complaining! Problem Solved!”