Happy Thanksgiving Beth! (I slept through the parade. Turkey Time!)
Happy Thanksgiving Beth! (I slept through the parade. Turkey Time!)
I do enjoy ban week, it’s fun and I realize most of it is written tongue in cheek, but I feel like it should be renamed “Ban Week: a exercise in honest leftism” or “I <heart> The Nanny State”.
My wife was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis about 18 months ago; along the line she read some articles about people on a ketogenic diet having fewer MS symptoms over time. Not at all scientific evidence, but on the theory of doing all things possible to help avoid relapses she gave it a shot. She’s been doing keto…
This is absolutely correct; it might seem like mincing words but it is an extremely important distinction in the parlance of addiction. Functional/ing alcoholic/addict is someone who is using but “Functioning”, i.e. showing up for work and generally managing. A Recovering addict is someone who is endeavoring to remain…
You definitely don’t want to be heavy-handed when dealing with toilet paper.
I disagree with the anthem protests for a number of reasons, but high-school me would be fucking mooning the flag if given a mandate like this. I probably wouldn’t have thought twice about standing for it before hand, but this sort of order just begs for a big “FUCK YOU”.
I think you’re missing an important distinction here, though, which is that you’re not a public figure. You or I can have conversations with people of all stripes that out of context could be construed as racist, sexist, spun in all sorts of ways by people with an agenda to do so. My friends and yours that we’re…
Maiysha, just wanted to say thanks for this article. The honesty with which you express your personal experiences is heartbreaking; the way that you relate your experience to the wider numbers is revelatory. I’m an outsider on the demos of this particular issue, but your frank confrontation of it from both a…
Americans who root for a European soccer club all have dumb little stories about how they came up with their favorite team.
Er, Cowher promoted a black guy from WR to QB then coached him in that position for years, including to two AFC championships. This is a dumb take on his part, but trying to allege that he has a problem with black QB’s is pretty silly as well.
I so, so love this series, please keep it up. I’ve missed Burnenko on Foodspin, and Drew is one my favorite internet writers. I’ll watch every one of these and then make a hack version of it.
Caveat: I absolutely support his right to protest, and don’t think he should suffer any consequences, outside of perhaps the court of public opinion.
The only problem I have with this is that politicians, especially at this level, rarely speak in facts, but rather opinions or, if we’re lucky, policies. If Donny said that illegal immigrants killed 872 people a day, I think I’d be okay with the moderator calling bullshit. But he’d never say something like that,…
I started wearing boxer briefs when I went back to working out and playing sports (along with compression shorts and a cup, my sports of choice are generally combat related), so my junk wasn’t just flapping around. But for sitting around all day at a desk, they’re uncomfortable as hell. I’m constantly pulling at my…
I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
This is every single car I’ve ever had for a daily driver. Somebody bumped me at WalMart, or broke my mirror, or got into a fender bender on the highway? Don’t give a crap. I have my fun car, but I drive junk to the grocery store. Both my wife and I’s cars are over ten years old and rapidly approaching 200K, and they…
I want pictures of some of the end-result crafts!
This list is garbage. Peanuts first, hot dogs second, soft pretzels and nachos around the middle, getting hit by a car, chicken tenders. Unless your ballpark has a Quaker State, then you can get wings, but what kind of maniac orders chicken tenders at a ballpark?