
You're absolutely correct - police have no legal obligation to protect you in the vast majority of the United States (I think there a few exceptions in certain jurisdictions). The reason for wait times is that when you have universal coverage, you're freezing the available resources and reallocating them elsewhere.

The costs go up while the quality goes down.

Even Idris Elba couldn't salvage that line about killing with his heart. Oof.

Those posters are truly awful.

It's not merely a peeve when you're suffering from a major illness - you say that your family and friends have had fantastic quality of treatement, but have any of them been in terrible accidents or required expensive medications for other forms of treatment for horrible illnesses? The cost will rise dramatically over

Way to ignore the evidence I presented that disproves your claim that no tax dollars go to actual abortion btw

You're kidding yourself if you think it's more cost effective. Costs aren't limited merely to the actual $$$ spent - Quality of treatment is something you must consider if you're comparing the cost effectiveness of two systems. The truth is that NHS impose massive costs on patients in terms of wait time as well as

No it doesn't - they both seem incredibly and stupidly implausible. I tried to watch the pilot episode and it was just as dumb.

You don't have a right to other people's goods and services, period. Why is this such an alien concept? Health care is a service provided by people who spend time, money, and effort becoming medical professionals/medicine producers, etc. The idea that you have a right to someone's services and that you get to dictate

Costs and quality would go up if the govt would stay out of the health care system. That won't happen and unfortunately we will all suffer for it.

There's huge drawbacks to NHS - it is very costly and quality of treatment tends to go way down over time.

Okay? To pro-lifers I would imagine they would reply something along the lines of, "What about the baby's life?" Seems reasonable to me even if you think women should have the right to off babies.

"It would never have occurred to the vast majority of people that something like that could happen in the United States".

Yes - I had heard about the developments in Iran after 1979 by 1985. Perhaps you hadn't and that's fair.

Well I'm glad some people feel that way about it. To each their own!

You never thought of the possibility of something like this happening? I'm guessing you've never heard about the treatment of women living under sharia law? Women are treated as inferiors, quite literally like property by their husbands.

It really is a silly novel - not sure why it's hailed as a classic by so many. Perhaps the hunger games will be granted classic status too someday.

Does the TV show elevate the material in the novel or is it pretty faithful? I found the novel to be really juvenile and unimaginative, but I kinda want to watch the show because I love Moss.