
The interactions between our magnificent 7 aside, the writing on this show this season has been pretty poor. The whole plan to get the wight was stupid (to convince dany and cersei), especially in light of how quickly Dany could just go and do a flyby to see the damn white walker army and be back in 2 hours. This

Jamie does and tyrion just went over there to tell him the big plan….

But Cersei already believes in zombies - she has one.

Jamie's going to kill her before that can happen.

Not one person thought that this plan was stupid? Like let's risk it all on the off chance that we can convince this crazy bitch named cersei to join forces? Someone had to have thought this was a dumb plan yet decided not to say shit. My money's on Varys.

Yeah and do they really think this will convince Cersei to join forces? She's insane and wants these people dead. I feel like they're risking a lot for what amounts to an outside chance at convincing a crazy person to join forces.

I don't get it - this whole suicide plan for what…to convince a mad-woman to join forces? Are you kidding me? Would have loved to have seen Jamie's reaction to this stupid plan.

I can't believe you people think GRRM would have written that. No way he would have saved Jamie like that.

The problem with your statement is that we don't even know what means yet.

it was a total cop out.

I'm sorry, but Jamie getting saved at the last second was such a fucking cop out and not in keeping with GRRM's vision. I mean you just know that GRRM would have had Jamie fry at that moment. C'mon.

You're *

don't even try to defend her asinine review, afrikoka

Waiting for whoever wrote the racist review over at roger ebert to come here and comment about how she's tired of reading reviews written by white people about films centered around black history.

I mean sure, but I can only go by what's written in the review and there's clear pro-feminist leanings in the reviews I've seen( I haven't seen sexist comments in negative reviews yet). I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing on the surface, but it does affect how I evaluate the usefulness of the review for

There's no way that it's more likely that negative reviews are skewed because it's female led. The vast majority of movie critics are liberal.

Thank you lol someone finally understands.

I was voicing a legitimate concern - if you want to be suspicious of my suspicions then feel free. I just wish politics would stay out of movie reviews in general. I know I'm not alone.

I sincerely hope you're correct about this. Truly. The fact that the ghostbusters movie managed to get decent reviews is beyond me. I really gave that movie a chance and felt burned by it. Just awful, imo.

Dude I hope that's the case - I said that I hope I'm wrong. I just said I was suspicious. That's all.