
Silence of the Lambs remains to this day one of my favorite movies ever - I tend to disagree w/ Best Picture picks, but man did the right film win that year. Truly a timeless and special film made by a profoundly talented director. RIP

Get gud, bruh

Speak to me again once Makoto is on your team lol

It'll continue to match real world demographics because that's how the market works - if the vast majority of people in the world were bisexual for example then we'd see bisexuality as the dominant orientation amongst fictional characters.

"I don't know. I guess until the odds on getting a canonically queer protagonist are equal to getting a straight one.."

I think this works for certain games and others not quite so much. I wouldn't like this approach for the witcher 3 as it wouldn't make any sense given the character's history and storyline. For games like skyrim or mass effect I think it works better. I guess it's more about whether the game has a clearly defined

I stand corrected and perhaps MEA handled this better - maybe I just heard that you can flirt with everyone and naturally assumed that you could start a relationship with everyone.

If the characters aren't all bi as in MEA, then I guess another thing you're asking for is to have other gay characters in the game too because AFAIK none of the characters I've met in persona, especially your team members, are gay. They're all straight. I can see your view, but my original point was that I'd rather

I think a bigger issue is the total lack of importance your dialogue options have in the game. This is my first persona game so not sure how it's done in previous games but for this one I honestly don't feel like the main character is an avatar of myself. It's more like the Geralt approach where you're not meant to

I'm torn on this - I understand why gay people would like to have their character in P5 be able to pursue gay relationships, but I also dislike Mass Effect Andromeda's approach of allowing you to bang literally everyone because they're all bisexual. It makes romancing feel a little cheap if you're going to be

The reason this movie doesn't look like it'll work is because women just aren't like this. This type of thing is funny in the hangover because lots of guys do like to party, act like idiots, and take drugs and watch strippers.You can't just take a similar premise and reverse the genders of the characters and expect it

Millionaires want to become billionaires too, ScratStitch.

While Disney certainly has the right to end business relationships for whatever reason, I feel as if this is a bit of an overreaction. It would have been one thing if it was a drunk mel gibson-esque rant, but this way clearly a joke and meant to be humorous. Having said that, Felix is a good guy and I'm sure he'll be

I'm not sure if the comparison has been made, but Legion reminds me of the UK series, Utopia, which I really dug. They share a likeness in style and quirkiness.

My point is that the msm is making it out that he's mimicking the reporter's disability, but this is a lie. You can fault trump for mocking in general but to accuse trump of mocking the disability, which is more offensive clearly, is egregious and incorrect. Trump mocks everyone in that same flailing manner. This is

Of course. They were pretty hard on Trump throughout most of the election (except for Trump's cheerleader, Hannity) but they've since warmed up to him as it's proven to increase their ratings substantially to do so.

It's less about defending Trump than it is about highlighting the dishonesty of the MSM. The MSM is powerful and they are viscously irresponsible. I will reserve judgment for Trump and see how he leads once in office. Trump's cabinet picks are a mix bag for sure, but again, we have the MSM calling Sessions a racist

Reading this article gave me a bit of insight into how you think - not surprised. Lots of unfounded accusations by Democrats to smear Sessions as a racist? Check. Prosecuting a civil rights organization for voter fraud is racist? Check (even though this group has faced accusations of voter fraud for years). The whole

Mocking people isn't super troubling to me - his temperament and judgment matter more in other areas. So we shall see. Perhaps we should judge him by his actions as POTUS than by the stupid spats that he gets into (he seems to enjoy them). Let him have them and let's see how he runs his administration. Finally we

CNN or the Clinton News Network was one of HRC's biggest cheerleaders btw. What a doofus.