
What on earth are you taliking about? How was the msm biased against HRC? They did basically everything they could to help her! Jeff Sessions isn't a white supremacist - he worked to desegregate schools and helped put to death a key KKK member who killed a black person. Some white supremacist Sessions is! Idiot.

And btw - it was hillary clinton's campaign's whole plan to prop up donald trump as a valid candidate because they thought HRC would beat him handedly in the general election. It's so ironic and hilarious that they were so wrong. So thank hillary and the msm's collusion in propping up donald trump (in the very

Nice to see you again troll - to think that the msm was working for him to give him an edge is beyond preposterous. They tried everything they could to sabotage his campaign and it backfired. To think otherwise is hilariously stupid.

Sorry I don't see the dire nature of it. More important things to worry about than Trump's little spats. America agreed apparently which is why he's going to take office soon.

You're ignoring my perspective - that the msm willfully misrepresented trump's actions to make it look far worse than it was. Mocking people in general is kinda petty, but is it half as bad as having a horribly irresponsible press? I don't think so and it's why I'm addressing it. Cheers.

the media willfully misrepresents what he says and does, but he got the better of them and won in the end. I care less about petty stuff like this than how well he'll be as POTUS. If he ends up being a disaster, I'll be the first to admit it. I'm already a bit wary about how he's strong-arming companies to stay here.

Well it's pretty much all anecdotal evidence, really, not going to lie.

Link me to where this video is proven a lie!

Okay. A lost cause. I have no interest in banging my head against a wall. Obama added huge amounts of debt. You're either ignorant or trolling. The ACA is a giant success. Now I know you're trolling. Good job! Sayonara

Obama's performance was atrocious and shameful. He was popular in spite of that, and again, that's why I maintain that he's a celebrity first, just like Trump.

Why deny that he has decades long history and prior video captured proof of him mocking others who aren't disabled in the exact same fashion? You're the one ignoring facts and other evidence.

She's lying. You just buy into it. I know I cant convince you but there is video evidence of him mocking people in the same flailing way before he did it to that reporter. If that doesn't do anything to make you even reconsider then your mind is made. Cheers.

No doubt. Many people like Obama. Which is why I think he's a celebrity first as well. The democratic party fell apart over his tenure but he managed to have a good approval rating throughout and got reelected. Why? Because people liked Obama despite he and his party's abysmal performance.

Keep deluding yourself

Nope. But keep deluding yourself.

This is exactly what you and the msm has been doing. You are distorting facts to fit your narrative. Just admit it.

I'm not effectively calling him "boy" - there's a netflix movie that came out about him called "Barry". It's his name - it's the name he went by for a long time. He is objectively a terrible and scandalous ridden president. Look into operation fast and furious, IRS targeting of conservative groups, leaking classified

Yeah about that - many reports came out about Muslims celebrating 9/11 in NJ. You might want to do a bit more research into that. And yeah, Trump likes to gloat even when it's really inappropriate to do so.

You miss my point - I don't care why Trump mocked the reporter. I only care about the MSM spinning it as Trump mocking the reporter's disability when he wasn't. Trump mocks everyone in that same flailing way. It's like when someone has the same dumb voice when doing a mocking impression for everyone. I find fault in