
Hmm - I disagree wholeheartedly because if Trump had NEVER mocked anyone in that fashion, I would believe that he was indeed mocking the reporter's disability. It's precisely because there's video footage of him mocking other people in the exact same way that I know that the MSM is spinning it to make him look far

Dude if you can't see the difference between mocking someone for slamming you like he does to everyone and the outrage and severity accompanied with the spin of him ostensibly mocking someone's disability, I can't help you. What's obtuse about this? If there's only a slight difference, why didn't Meryl Streep bring up

I wouldn't argue with you there. Mocking in general is petty, but I'm just frustrated with the spin of the story to make it seem like Trump is a monster who loves to rip on people's disabilities.

I don't respect him and it has nothing to do with his race. It's easy to call people who oppose him and his policies racists, but I assure you, America isn't half as racist as you probably think it is. The fact is that he was a legitimately horrendous president. We are in a worse position in some ways than before he

It's a pretty big difference to just mock someone for slamming you and mocking someone's disability. It's why the msm used that slant for so long and hard in an effort to stop him. Luckily it didn't work, but we have celebrities like Meryl Streep giving speeches about it. Beyond silly. It makes a mockery out of

He wasn't even mocking the disability. Trump has mocked people in that stupid flailing manner for decades. Of course, it's very easy to twist this into Trump mocking one's disability - even if it's woefully misrepresented. It's creepy how giddy the msm was in using this as a story all year.

Nah. More like coming off the Bush presidency, the democratic candidate was a shoe in from the start. Which is why HRC put up so much of a fight back then. It was her best and only real shot at becoming president and Barry took it from her.

I never said it was good or bad. I am merely pointing out the double standard here.

Obama is like Trump in this way - they're both celebrities first and foremost. This is lost on some, but it's true. Obama likes to think of himself as belonging to the dignified statesmen type, but he's not. He's a celebrity just like Trump. And Obama LOVES being a celebrity.

Meryl Streep should be held accountable then for lying about Trump mimicking a disability. Perhaps we can all agree that lying and misrepresenting facts is abhorrent? Trump has been mocking people in that same stupid flailing way for decades yet so many leftists like Meryl Streep decide to leave that out. Shameful.

Yeah and it's not usually a good thing, which is why so many people dislike it. And it's not just because they disagree with their politics. Meryl Streep is, knowingly or not, lying about Trump mimicking someone's disability. He's been mocking people in that same flailing silly way for decades, but of course Meryl

I won't argue this, but my main point is that many people in general just prefer to have their entertainment and politics separate. As this isn't the case, you're going to have plenty of people voicing criticism against it - and they aren't wrong for doing so.

Wow - it's so nice to be called a moron for merely voicing criticism of celebrities using awards shows for politicking. Ironic that you'd speak of tolerance, but carry on.

A lot of good that did her. She's pathetic.

I'm sure that's the only reason they voted for trump - because he was a reality TV star. I won't go into why people voted for Obama initially but the reasons were kinda obvious.

Obama is a political celebrity - like it or not, he helped pave the way for an actual celebrity to take office.

He headed a criminal administration. Research operation fast and furious, IRS targeting of conservative groups, leaking classified information..

I would post the same thing, yes. I would be super surprised if she had, which would be included in my post, but I would outline the same point about how people just want their entertainment and politics separate.

Huh? So they didn't see that in HRC apparently.

awww that's cute.