
More warranted than during Obama's tenure? Heh. Alrighty then.


So it's only now that celebrities rant about politics? Please.

Is it really that hard to understand that many Americans like to have their entertainment separate from politics? This is true when it comes to sports and why the NFL tanked in ratings, and it's why so many people complain and say they don't care what celebrities think about politics. We all know that Hollywood is

The data does support an increase in crime due to the refugees. That's not nonsense. The EU killing refugees through their border policy is rubbish. What on earth are you on about? It's not just physical threats - if you criticize islam you can get arrested. I'm not afraid of people who don't look like me - I'm afraid

Is this a joke? The rise in crime has been dramatic. Terrorist attacks have plagued Europe since the influx of refugees. Ordinary citizen rights are in danger, especially free speech. You can't even say something derogatory about islam or you'll be arrested in certain European countries. I'm not sure what reality

"And for anyone who believes that an independent, unfettered media is crucial to a functioning democracy, that’s a terrifying thought." It is crucial, but the problem is that the MSM is obviously biased and not truly independent, hence the vast majority's deep mistrust for it. Having said that, I am looking forward to

I hope people of your ilk continue to respond this way - next midterm elections are right around the corner and most likely Republicans will then have a supermajority in the Senate. Thanks a bunch! Have fun losing. xoxo

Perhaps NOT the darkest, Weezer!

To be fair, people who live there have plenty of legitimate reasons to not want migrants flooding their country. Demonizing people with real concerns is pretty much why Brexit happened and why Trump of all people has any real chance.

Honestly can't figure out which voters you're referring to. Ironic either way.

Nah the headline only says that she sent and received racist jokes..so let's destroy her career! heh.

I get your point about the ending but think about it from a dying person's POV - dying is fucking scary no matter who you are. I think she was harboring a ton of guilt about "passing through" when her husband and daughter couldn't/chose not to. I can see why, despite her struggle, she ultimately chose to live on than

This episode wrecked me, not going to lie. Not ashamed to admit that I teared up several times throughout this episode
- mid-20's straight dude who never cries especially over tv shows.

Nah she was merely a CEO of a company IIRC.

Right I see what you're saying, but I feel like it would have worked better if the targets' crimes were more similar in severity (murderer, serial rapists, etc) I can get on board with the comeuppance of pedophiles but people making racist jokes is tougher to get behind. Cheers.

I suppose, but we don't see what all the woman was made to do and her life was presented, like the other targets, to be ruined or at least in shambles. The juxtaposition of it was awkward for me - like I said, it's a nitpick, but a weird choice to me all the same.

I liked the episode quite a bit overall but I felt like some of it was weirdly incongruent - namely following the realization that two of the hacker's targets are pedophiles we see that the woman was targeted for making racist jokes? The face of that doesn't destroy the central theme of the episode, but I felt like it

From what I can recall: White Bear and The Waldo Moment don't have much in the way of social media (I see White Bear as more of a take on TV Voyeurism). It's true that most of the episodes do have some social media component to it which adds to my weariness of the topic when watching this episode as it takes front and

The lesson is to stop calling people repeatedly. No one likes to talk on the phone. Alternatively, take the time to call back your loved ones even when they're being annoying as shit with their emotional issues following the death of their spouse.