
Such an intense and fun episode. Wyatt Russell was fantastic. Yeah I can see how one would see the ending as a bit meh but I thought it tied the whole episode together pretty well.

My point is that I'm ready for black mirror to focus on something else. They've touched on social media numerous times in past episodes (with this being the most overt) so I'm just saying I'm a little over the social media angle. If you're not, great! More power to ya. Cheers.

That's precisely the point. It leading to violence doesn't mean it's stupid. Black mirror isn't about being the most realistic show. It's to shine a light on how we interact with technology and where that *could* go in the future. The blocking feature is a reality today and the episode deftly shows why someone would

Wholeheartedly disagree - it was used very effectively in White Christmas to show the horror and desperation one would feel in not being able to communicate with others.

You're right - I've had a change of heart and ardently hope that they continue this trend in the next episode for a three episode streak. A hat trick, if you like!

Meh. I felt like this angle was far better handled with the blocking feature on the christmas episode.

It's probably just me, but I'm getting kinda sick of this focus on social media. I get it - social media is hollow and superficial. While the episode wasn't bad by any stretch, I'm looking forward to the other new black mirror episodes that focus on something else.

I don't get the hate with the "Safe Space" episode - for me it's one of the best episodes in recent memory.

In this special there's an audience member with this really unique laugh and I couldn't remember where I first heard it until stumbling across this: