
Did I say ALL? Check your reading comprehension. You're delusional if you think most women enjoy being hit on in the street. Yeah, there may be a few outliers that make up a small fraction, but if you think this is just my personal standard only, ask your female relatives and friends. Do you approach dudes on the

Yeah, but no guy talking to me on the street has ever left it as just a compliment and nothing more. My experience is normal for women, and you must keep in mind if you are giving a compliment to women. They are expecting from past experience that you want something from them, be it information, time, attention, etc.

Fully zero of my 500+ friends I've met as strangers on the street. They are from school, work, when I used to go to church, neighbors, etc. Giving compliments with the expectation of making friends is not just giving a compliment to brighten a stranger's day. People make friends just fine without entertaining comments

I don't date guys who randomly talk to me on the street, nor do most women. I date guys who I get to know through introductions with friends or shared activities. This is one of the problems — some straight guys see talking to women on the streets as their own personal dating service, whereas we're just trying to get

I echo what EGR said, but if you feel you simply must, MUST, give a compliment, keep in mind that rarely do women ever hear, "hey cool sunglasses" or "Nice outfit" from a dude. If you give a compliment that highlights her creativity with which she chose her accessories or how she put her ensemble together, don't

Right? He's about as thrilling as plain oatmeal. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

This FuzzyResearchBunny has a sad.

Yeah, consider my panties not dropped.

A: Who are Canadian males with 6 letter last names beginning with T and two-syllable first names?


This douchecanoe "didn't mean any harm?" When you tackle someone that's the exact opposite. You absolutely meaning to cause harm. I think he gets off on assaulting people like Sam Pepper. Such a twisted fuck.

Omg, this parody needs to happen. Perhaps with Sarah McLachlan playing in the background.

"Hmmm. Smells like cherry tart, custard, pineapple, roast turkey..."

Information, you say! Let me grab my roommates. They *so* love new information. So glad you are here educating all of us dumb dumbs. I don't know how I could have gone about my day or life even without your wisdom. Thank God I happened upon this thread!

Oh yes. Just as much as I've seen 'look at me feigning taking a stand on something I truly don't give a shit about and don't intend to change any of my actions on' bluster to save one's own ass or engender warm feelings from constituents or in this case, customers. My gut tells me it's the latter in this case.

It was in the comment you responded to. That's how you can know.

"Remember we're dealing with PR speak. " That's condescending. My profession resolves around spin and pr, so you don't have to 'splain anything to me. And, no it's not a powerful statement. It's tepid at best. And the analogy to a white glove is perfect metaphor for my point.

This is my exact problem, too.

My comment is slight hyperbole. However this news is unsurprising, since the premise is Hollywood's raison d'être.