So about 3 more seasons? My fiancee watches this still and I remember during the commercials for the show after he died the voice over said how will they deal with the death of one of their own. The first though in my head was just fine they’ll cry some get drunk and be back to normal in no time flat, they’re use to…
That is a great idea and if me and when me and not yet Mrs. Fuzzy Orca get married I shall do my best to remember it.
You’re comparison makes me sad cause it reminds of the face my little female dachshund gives me when I accidentally step on her or boot her. :(
I will be severly disappointed if you didn’t at least draw a pentagram around them in blood of aborted children, and honestly you should have properly desecrated them by having a homosexual orgy on top of all the bibles first.
Here you go.
Are you implying that the scent of stale urine, sticky floors, flickering mood lighting and the mysterious grunts and sounds from the back corner stall don’t bring a fire to your loins?
No no no, after over salting you split it into two batches. The first batch you leave sitting out at room temperature to get soggy, the second batch you throw under a heat lamp to dry out into tasteless sticks before mixing with the soggy batch and letting cool to room temperature.
Minor correction, you said a female juror needed to be slapped around but the quote you have was him talking about a female witness to the jury.
They could also be horrors from before time that a necromancer summons up or a death metal band.
Thanks for that. When I read that the lady wanted a dry cappuccino my first though was wait what? followed by like a martini? Though from the story I guess she could have wanted some ground espresso and powdered milk.
The media feud would only be for public consumption, in private they would be lovers meeting in sleazy hotels and running off on long beach weekends
If those cow had thumbs you wouldn’t be here today.
I remember watching on that Jamie Oliver food nation show that potatoes are considered veggies under school nutrition guidelines. Maybe it has something to do with that.
I read the first part of your comment and blanked thinking “did this person see the same Gundam show as me?” then my brain reengaged and I laughed at myself.
What about arranged marriages where the parents decide who the kids marry?
Me and the fiancee have found that butt wipes and disposable table mats are a god send. The spawns mess can stay contained and rolled up, leaving a non-messy tabletop, and the spawn and rogue spills get a moist wipe down.
Yeah it's great she eats different foods, she loves pickles and banana peppers, dislikes fries but if we're at a burger place and she demands a sauce so she can dip everything in it. Pickles, chicken, tomatoes all end up being dipped in bbq sauce or ketchup. It makes me wonder if her taste-buds are broken at times.
That's what we do, I'll end getting a slightly bigger burger and sharing it with her, she'll also get any of the toppings she loves, guac, tomatoes, pickles.
I do miss those, I remember joining a match and playing for an hour, having to log and com back four hours later and the battle would still be going on.