Aww don’t say that, even if you don’t like her, or the other person, go vote. Vote for Angry Cat or Judge Judy, or some third party person that will get a happy feeling for finding out one extra person voted for them.
Aww don’t say that, even if you don’t like her, or the other person, go vote. Vote for Angry Cat or Judge Judy, or some third party person that will get a happy feeling for finding out one extra person voted for them.
I honestly never thought about doing this, we usually just give our spawn some of what we're having. I don't know if this makes the servers hate us for not ordering extra, but I hate getting something for her that she doesn't eat.
Does this make 7 a cannibal for eating other numbers or would it have to eat other 7's to be considered one?
Someone else asked the same questions and a link was posted,
This reminds me of an old site I use to read called Acts of Gord,
Seems like this would cause issues with things like taxes and insurance and hospitals. Would any government entity have to acknowledge this type of license? Seems like this would be allowing religious institutions the right to issue contracts that the government would have to honor, doesn't that go against the whole…
Thank you for sharing this.
I know that pain, we get the "Up" with the arms and a sad look or "Walk?" in the questioning plaintive way. The few times I've let her out she was behaved for all of two seconds then tearing down the isles grabbing everything. It's why I'm sent shopping while her and her mom get to stay home and play.
I am constantly fascinated by other parents letting their spawn run free or jump around booths. We keep our daughter in a seat cause I've let her be free a time or two and it becomes a battle of wills to keep her contained. And I don't care how well they walk or run, mine just bounced off the side of the kitchen…
There wouldn't happen to be a picture of said invitation? Or maybe just the orange flower?
I was thinking the same thing. I just don't have the time to devote to games anymore, which is why unless the game is something I really want to put time into I play on easy or normal. I do think all games should have some kind of perma-death option, that way people who want more of a challenge can have it.
I like your suggestions but we should broaden them a bit. So instead of Meteor Impact lets go with Horrors from Space, or something like that, that way we can include fun things like the sun going nova, or a micro blackhole, or aliens getting us too. And Heart Disease can be lumped in with Obesity, who can't keep up…
I always thought buffalo wings were like crab claws, you cut them off and they grow back.
It was cold out! He was thinking of baseball and clubbing baby seals..... umm.... the producers slip saltpeter into his food.... erm... I'm out of excuses for the moment.
I have to disagree, kiss is bad, and if sloppy can be disgusting, but eating is the worst, followed closely by the noisy drink and swallow combo. I have to force myself to sit through people eating while a mic is shoved in their face.
Does this mean I can leave Victoria's Secret catalogs out and claim they're coffee table art books?
I'm curious if they were told there was no manager or if there was no manager available. The former could be like you said, no manager was present at the time, the later could be that the manager was too busy to deal with minor stuff until a shitfit was thrown.
I have a Persian kitten, the spray bottle does us no good due to the fact that the sheer amount of fluff covering him acts like armor. I've soaked him, stood two feet away from him as he was on my daughters highchair and sprayed him in the side like 5 or 6 times. He finished the noodle he was eating, gave a disgusted…
An epic tailgate party?
Aww man now I'm sad, I forgot that I wanted to watch Sharknado 2 last night, I got distracted by the Lego Movie.