
You mean the FIA that looked the other way in apartheid, looked the other way at dictatorships in South America, looks the other way for China/Middle East/Russia? Or the FIA that was ran by someone who liked to cosplay as a Nazi? That FIA?  They can fuck right off and good on Hamilton.

I mean on the surface it would have to be somebody at Liberty (though the Mail could have just mixed them and FIA up which would not be surprising) just from the wording.

When FIA has done more investigating Lewis Hamilton, than any body of justice has done over the murder of Breonna Taylor...

Good for you Lewis. That T-shirt isn’t political. This is life in the world. FIA stand up and get real. You’re either racist or anti-racist.

You mean when they started beating down the door and didn’t announce that they were police? Sounds more like self defense to me. Get fucked.

They weren’t there to serve a warrant, because the warrant was for a different person in a different house. 

These days, whenever anyone says “keep politics out! Stick to XYZ!”, I assume they aren’t actually bothered about the presence of politics or the social message. They are just expressing disagreement with the particular issue being presented. After all, they would not complain one moment if their favorite celebrity

Oh stfu with this bothsidesism bullshit. It’s a philosophy that does nothing but leave the door open for manipulation; it’s bankrupt hogshit that thrives on false equivalences and cowardice

I think driving away racists is a win, but that’s just my opinion, maybe I’m incorrect.

Flip side of the coin, I clicked on this article about F1 racing and just watched some videos of him racing while at work. I’ve never watched a minute of F1 racing in my life and wouldn’t have today without this article piquing my interest because I agree with the driver

This is not a ‘both sides’ issue. When the question is “should police be allowed to kill unarmed, sleeping civilians” the answer is “no” and there’s no option to be tolerant or open-minded. There isn’t a compromise “police can have a little murder, as a treat” option. While there might be different solutions to the

I loved Hamilton doing this. It isn’t a political issue, it is a right and wrong issue.

So wearing a shirt plastered with Malaysian-government owned Petronas isn’t political?

Amen to that. I love how these people get on a high horse about calling others snowflakes, but they throw a temper tantrum over someone wearing a t-shirt or a Starbucks cup saying “happy holidays”.

The more I think about it, the weirder I find people who think demanding justice can be reduced to “being political”.

At least Mercedes said the right thing:

Nice, Lewis! You are the greatest Formula 1 driver of all time so use that position for change. If people don’t like that, they can go fuck their conservative, racist, twinkerbelle asses. Tough shit, eh, republicans?

Considering many of the sponsors of race teams also buy off politicians I’d say wearing anything with the sponsor’s logo is a political statement.

Now playing

Thank you, Anne, for shining a light on Lewis Hamilton. I’ve tried off and on for years with polite nudges to get The Root to follow and report on him for his profession as a Formula 1 driver.

*cries in Jalop and Venture Bros fan* You get me, Erin.