
Start building wagons again?

Unfortunately the Rebuild movies (1.11, 2.22, 3.33) aren’t available for streaming on any legal sites. They are, unlike the original series, all available on DVD/Blu-Ray.

My family had a weird love for these up until 2006. We owned 4 based on this platform. There was:

So basically, “Hey look we made a non-diesel Ranger Raptor”. Just bring over the real thing, they’ll sell off the name alone at this point.

Basically you have the Metris, and that’s it as far as cargo vans go. There was the Caravan based cargo van (the C/V?) but they quit making those.

I just thought that’s what an iron duke sounded like from the factory.

All of the current NSXes and Goldwings sold worldwide are made in Ohio. Honda was really the first non-US car/motorcycle company to leverage the US workforce to build for the world.

It’s from the first episode of the Discovery Channel show “Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking”. It’s at about 33 minutes in.

Stephen Hawking

I was thinking of it from the direction that as an American company they’re going to try and walk the line as to not lose face or cause a boycott. The only way I could see it coming from the FIA is if a member of race direction or the board decided to go after him.

I would assume “senior F1 figures” refers to Liberty Media.

I have decided that Venture Bros. being canceled is why my TV just committed suicide.

It’s on Hulu.

I like the idea of a 30 minute non-points scoring qualifying race with a reverse grid based on practice times. It would incentivize car designs that work in traffic and you run the risk of missing the setup if you decide to sandbag in practice. I also think the that it is short enough to keep everything mixed up for

There’s always a chance, but in this case <checks genitalia> definitely not.

The only thing that plant ever produced was crap. Vega, Monza, Cavalier, Cobalt, Cruise. All gigantic pieces of crap.

Living here, it’s still earning the name, just for a different reason.

Don’t forget The Doctor, the Tornado & the Kentucky Kid that was done by the same folks about the 2005 US Grand Prix at Laguna Seca.

My theory is that Haas is purposely running the team at a loss for tax reasons.

Wow, it’s good to know I’m not the only one listening to metal and doing CAD work. For a while I used Meshuggah on my headphones at work to block out noise (yay cubicle farm). Lately I’ve moved over to Scale the Summit, Animals as Leaders, and the like, but now it’s on speakers due to all my CAD being for personal 3d