
That’s good to know. This year would be my first at Watkins Glen, I usually go to the Mid-Ohio event.

I think youre over-analyzing it. Basically, like the original, car people know and care about the car. Everyone else will think it’s cool Lamborghini and never give it a second glance. We often forget that we on Jalopnik are very much the outliers in the world. The majority of the population just doesn’t care.

I know in Japan the Type R cars all shipped with red seats, in the front at least. Was it not the same for the US market cars?

Its the few weeks before the vintage race that bothers me. I was seriously debating about going up to that this year.

As if this whole shutdown crap wasn’t depressing enough, now Im missing Phil Hartman.

That would have been perfect. I would pay exorbitant pay-per-view fees to watch that.

Your last sentence just made me think of a line from Gurren Lagann,Sneak attacks only work once.”

Thanks, it wasn’t letting me post it earlier for some reason.

Im not entirely sure, but it sure looks that way.

Im not sure. The high pitched whine that EVs make hurts my ears, I cant imagine how a cat would handle that. The bigger stumbling block is cabin air filtration and seat suspension.

Remember that these don’t use a normal transverse engine FWD setup. These have the engine mounted longitudinally with the weird transmission seen here.

An exgirlfriend and I tried to figure out if you could build a cat friendly desert racer at one point. We got stuck on how to handle hearing protection for an animal that has hearing that much better than a humans and how to handle the helmet without hurting those same ears.

So someone finally pointed out to the Walking Advertisement for Preperation H that the best way to start a violent uprising against you is to fuck with many millions of peoples money?

I used to call my moms 1990 Suburban a station wagon on steroids. She didnt mind because the other option they were looking at was a Volvo 760 wagon. Towing capability won the day unfortunately.

I have an irrational hatred for you at this very moment.

This. I will probably be looking to replace my commuter diesel JSW at around the end of Generation 1 as they had it shown on their charts and I almost refuse to get anything other than a small wagon as my DD.

Thats would be the smart way to do it. I think most people would be surprised how much this concept is used in the industrial world. 24VDC coils on motor contactors is the norm nowadays.

I’m honestly not sure which of those is worse. HF will debilitate you for a long(er) miserable life after the attack, but molten lava is an excruciating but relatively short death.

The budget to do it live action is the reason I think it might be better served as an anime series. If they could somehow get the talent pool that made the Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex series to tackle this it would have the art quality and storytelling that it so deserves. The movie is so good, but like

This is all I keep thinking about whenever anything about R. Kelly comes up.