Fuzi Lojak

Yes it is. :)

Nope... "They're planted there by Lucifer to test the faith of the Lord Almighty's flock." - Ex-Mother-In-Law


Yeah, I think he'd fit in quite well at Quiznos.

It's funny, this is the example I use when talking to friends about Kirk's Death. Like thestyxcrossing1 said above, I don't think the writers were that clever when working out his death. :)

Naaah, they didn't think of that but I'm sure Apple did. ;)

Yeah, and will be suing Sony next week....as well as Nokia.

Hmmm....and the icons look familiar too...

LOL...wait, those have got to be crappy Chinese knock-offs, right? Or a Sony MP3 player?

What happened to do no evil? :P

It will be rebranded Bro4.

Good catch on the screen! I might throw out my Galaxy Tab too! :D

Her Stunt Butt? :)

Now playing

I think it's going to go down like this...

Just wait until the make up sex...

I kind of like the new logo mixed with the Windows 1.0 logo...

The Poop that Peed

LOL...yeah, the negativity makes me feel slightly guilty for wanting to buy one in the fall. Talking to my friends though, they're actually a good amount of them that want one as well.