Fuzi Lojak

I guess MJOLNIR Armor does look cooler than some of the real armor we're working on...

Tree Aliens!

Together Again! :)

It was cute...BUT...it seems like they're playing off Fiona and Cake and I'd have to take them over Bee and Puppycat. :)

Or Super Wii. :)

Thanks for the info! We have moved to another area since she was original in girl scouts so if she's interested in going back I will check into the troops in the area and see if they do offer the outdoor living skills. :)

So backwards compatibility is not ONE of the things the XBOX ONE can do...so it won't be the ONE stop for playing games in our living room.

I picked it up from Amazon since I had some credit.

Time machine, eh?

Now playing

Well, it's better than what they could do...

I could see the desktop going away once Microsoft polishes Metro a little more but I think the one reason they might never make Windows completely closed is the fact they don't want the government jumping on them like they did years ago for being a monopoly.

The best thing from the Total Recall remake...

Yeah...at least my name is not on the contracts. :)

Of course that's after it does a system update, blu-ray drive update, store update... ;)

The company I work for is learning that first hand. Our project stalled early last year so we went to Kickstarter looking for funding. We didn't get funded through the site but a publisher contacted us. We signed a deal and it seemed great but as development has moved along we're finding them less and less helpful and