Fuzi Lojak
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Any time I'm at Best Buy I pick up the Note and act out something like this...

From the interviews I've seen they've always done this stuff in house.

I know! Why worry about a live action World of Warcraft movie when you've got a team like this. :)

What NASA doesn't want us to see...

I was thinking the same thing when I saw this article. :)


Copper is a soft metal so... :)

I'm assuming it will a lighter version of the Yoga?

Microsoft Sidewinder X6

Well I was meaning that Firewire has technically been better than USB but USB is more widely used.

I'm going to guess that Thunderbolt will probably end up like Firewire. :(

I'd bet one million pieces of gold pressed latinum on it. ;)

I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.

Well yes, but since he's older I'm assuming his training is going to be sped up like Luke Skywaker's training. You'd hope that if Wayne is not coming back he at least left some instructional videos..."So you're wanting to be a Batman....GREAT! because with these instructional videos we'll have you kicking ass on the

Agree. I thought that was a weak point in the idea that Blake took over the roll. I like the way it ended but I would hope Bruce goes back and take Blake on as a student and trains him before throwing him out into the streets of Gotham.

I like it but before Internet Explorer 7, IE used source code from the Spyglass Mosaic browser so not sure how tempting Microsoft is to use Mosaic again.

LOL...I was going to type it out like that but I was lazy. :)


I always thought it would have a look/feel to Blade Runner.

Yeah, once you flip them over you know it's not an Apple product.