Fuzi Lojak

Lady Gaga probably is one of the four horsemen...

What was the excuse for the Jehovah Witnesses when the year 1914 rolled around? Well, Jesus is still in a transitional period (aka Christ's "presence") and...

Bullying made me the man I am today...so chin up kid and kill as many of those pasty white cyclops bucket of bolts as you can because they can't bully you if they're all dead... O_O

Or one of these...

That are in search of...Aryan Blood!

I was going to say, "why live when you're going to die", but your line works just as good. :)

I second this. Up until a few months ago I thought it was a waste to pay $15 a month to play an mmo and then I looked at how many console games I've paid $40-60 each and only played a few weeks then shelve.

I thought the same thing thing at first then though that another of his works was being made into a movie.

Looks like it might be heading to Android in June...guess I better finish the other two. :)


Eh, only real complaint is it doesn't show more elf breasts. :)

Once these drones can read thoughts it will be a lot easier to distinguish between friend or foe....unless it discovers god and starts killing for things like cheating on your wife, stealing, lust, etc.

I haven't read ElfQuest since I was in middle school but I'm pretty sure there was male as well as female elves. This just looks like ElfQuest XXX.

There's also the Prime Directive, or their equivalent. I doubt we've advanced to a point where any friendly advanced space faring civilization would want to play with us yet. They probably view us as Neanderthals at the moment.

Now playing

Michael Bay would not find this awesome enough to put his name on.

That's what I was thinking...not enough boom.

I haven't seen the movie yet but a part of a semi-negative review I read said that you have to understand that the story is being told by someone that is probably criminally insane. He also went on to say it was Zack Snyder's Legend (Ridley Scott's movie). Combine all that with what you just wrote has me even more