Fuzi Lojak

Another reason I'm glad I shaved mine off...

I think Raiden's ninja sword is more of a lightsaber than the lancer...

Diet Versions...to partially simulate the effects of RAD (minus the vomiting). :)

I thought they have fashion experts working on this...because it looks more like programmers are deciding the fashion and we all know how bad they are at dressing themselves (myself excluded). :(

@ZeroPaetus: LOL! Get your panties out of a wad, I was not complaining, I was joking. :) After the Star Wars reboot I never expect my dreams sequels to be as good as what was in my mind so brighter colors, low rez models (still better than Diablo 2 and don't look like WoW to me) don't bother me if the game mechanics

He might want to rethink all that color. Look what happen when they added color to Diablo 3...

Where's my pacifier and glow sticks?!?!?!

I pray G.I. Joe is not this (or Dragonball) bad. :(

Guess it was some Amazon Copywriter's last day of work.

Why does he always looks like he's trying to perfect the "Magnum"?

So this is Oblivion if it was a Gay Porn Music Video?

Is that the Time Square face plate?

Wait until she discovers WoW, then we won't hear from her any more...

I'm scared to death to see what they did with Mr. Popo...

Aren't you a little short to be a stormtrooper?

Now I'm worried. I went through three discs before getting a non scratched to hell copy of Halo 3 LE, then I get GTA IV and it locks up on my Xbox. I went in last night to get Fable 2 and heard this news and got a copy of the regular edition. I have the LE of Fallout 3 reserved, I hope it's intact (with no f-ed up

Hmmm...now I'm thinking I need to take a sick day Tuesday.

Guesss they'll have to send more Wiis to the US to make up for the loss.

ok, then what the hell do you get for an extra $10? A bland second disc? Lighter wallet?

@Vaegrin: Yah, I'll have to get this to counter my wife's pink controller. I let her trade a black controller for it ...so red, pink and white seem to work, I guess.