Fuzi Lojak

Hmmm, I think I might sell my copy of Halo 3 now. :)

@Bakeroo: 21 Jump Street. ;)

Hmmmm....wonder if it's a new Oni game? I keed, I'm thinking Squad Based Halo game.

Wooow...and she got a record deal?!

In Russia IT loves you!

Rainbow Six Vegas 2, Lost Odyssey, The Force Unleashed Demo, Soul Caliber IV Demo, Fable Pub Game and maybe Blue Dragon...

I'm planning on buying a PS3 in October for this (and MGS4). Hopefully there will be some 80GB MGS4 Bundles left...


The Menace To Society Achievement... I guess you can upgrade your title from Chicken Chaser to Chicken F***er.

At what point are they big enough to use them for special attacks?

Do you know how I know you're gay...

Earth Tones are the new Black! Lu-vit!

It's sad, these commercials really make me want to like the game but the demo was eeeh... Same thing happened with the Quake War trailers...still not buying the game though.

He's a lot shorter in real life...