

What is your life

It does sound delicious. No need to get excited. :)

Randall does know that tiger('s) milk is just a citrus-based marinade, right? Not actual tiger milk?

I'm hoping that Jacquelyn isn't an amalgam of Kit and Jacques Snicket, because that would be a terrible waste of two excellent characters.

Unless you really feel like never leaving your room, I'd suggest meeting the dude you've been meeting with one day and have sex with the other guy the next. If the first guy sends a "this isn't working out" text, you can at least take your mind off it with sex with the other guy.

One drag queen's name is Ginger Minj.

Yeah, it was extremely well-received at the time of its release — it had an 89% score on GameRatings and 87/100 on Metacritic — but much of reviewers' effusive praise was directed at its interactivity, storyline, and atmosphere, all of which must have seemed pretty novel or at least buzzworthy when it came out in 2010.

I'm looking forward to the North American release of Persona 5 not only because it's an awesome game but also because of its storyline, which is remarkably similar to certain events in the United States occurring before and after P5's initial release in Japan in September. It'll be interesting to see how P5 is

Same here.

Agree 100%. I recall one reviewer at the time of its original release saying how they had immediately memorized where all the light sources and closets were in case they needed them later.

Not only that, but the game actively plays with one's expectations about what a first-person game in a creepy, abandoned house should involve, culminating in the most horror-based scene in the entire game (hopefully Fluka knows what I'm talking about). I was convinced the game had suddenly changed its rules and

But is this The-Goat-That-Is-For-Us?

The Fifty States Project was a gimmick and something he never intended to actually complete. Stevens admitted it years ago.

I randomly happened across this Derek Theler fellow and my he is quite the handsome gentleman:

Those are all very different roles. An actor can be great in one particular role and terrible in another.

NPH did Assassins? Given how bad he was as Bobby in Company, I can't imagine him doing well in Assassins.

Fair enough. I'm just uncomfortable with Olaf's incompetence or more comical aspects becoming his dominant characteristic; one might argue that that sort of approach made Carrey's portrayal of Olaf ineffective.

I was worried when NPH was first cast as Count Olaf, and now I'm a bit concerned that the show apparently emphasizes how he's actually a "complete dolt". Anyone who has read the books knows that he's genuinely evil.

It's not 'rimjobs', Danette Chavez, it's 'rimming'. The point of a blowjob is to make the guy come; you can make the guy come while rimming, but the point isn't just to make him come.